The members of Theocracy are really christian?


Sep 6, 2010
Hi! i really like your songs but i read Mat Smith like Sonata Artica and i would like to know if Theocracy members are really christians or only sings christians songs.
I´m a tradicional christian and i don´t listen secular music.
Please I would like that the members of the band answer my question.
Sorry for my english I´m from Panama.
Given that they are working on a new album, and less likely to be online, please accept this answer in proxy - yes.

If you need proof, read Matt's lyrics. No atheist could write that much prophetic truth, since that comes straight from God. Besides, lots of Christians listen to secular music.
Ok I know that but i know singers that sing about Jesus and i ask then and said that they know for sermons in the past but it´s not the topic i read the lyrics and i like it because i have the same experience with demons like the song Laying the demon to rest and thats why i don´t listen secular music but i only want to know if they are christians or not i know many bands that the people think they are christians but not.

I can´t listen secular musics.
I don´t know how to express what i´m thinking correctly in english
Oh! It was very helpfull Theocracy is a christian band but i want to know if the members of the bands identify then self like christians becausa i know a band called impellini that some members are christian but not all and another band that say that they aren´t christian but sings christians songs for the money.

I ass christian can´t listen secular music because it has satanics things by example some latin musics that sings voodoo or rocks musics that calls demon.
And if anyone in my house play secular musics the demons attack me and to stop it i had to separate spiritually my room..
Jajaja just like Laying the demon to rest.

O.K. this might help you:

God is in control and he is more powerful than satan. I'm not saying it's wrong for you to listen to no secular music. I'm saying, if you heard a song while walking through the store the, lol, "satanics" (jajaja) as you would say, would not be able to touch you and affect you. God is FAR more powerful than the satanists and the devil himself. Also, not all of these bands practice satanism. They are enememies of God though. If they are not on his side they are simply not, and yes, on the devil's side. BUT... Do you also watch only Christian movies? Do you eat Christian cheeseburgers? Do you go to Christian supermarkets? Do you read only Christian books? Mainly this and movies... the cheese part was a little to far... lol
Oh it's THAT question again. lol :) Well here's my answer for you "goldenight". I am a MUSICIAN, not a lyricist. I listen and play a lot of music that people would disagree with such as Lamb of God, Veil of Maya, The Faceless, Whitechapel, Edguy, Pagan's Mind, Circle II Circle, etc. The list goes all the way up to 80GB of music :). My point is that I'm not too much in to the lyrics more than half the time unless it has a good message for me/ to me or humanity in general. I can tell you right now with full confidence that a lot of die hard musicians that drool over technicality in this type/ other types of music as I do, feel the same way I do when it comes to this subject whether they are Christian or not. I hope I made things a little easier to understand. Rock on dude! :)
I have come to the conlcusion that OkThankYou, RandomDude, and THIS guy are the same person. Do you remember those guys? It's a little suspicious. I'm not trying to be mean... but dude it's enough!
Men i´m serious i don´t listen secular musics because if i do it i´ll open a door to the demons to come to my house or my heart.
I mean musics for example a song calling Enough i´ll not say the name of the band because human is so curious: The song say dark forcesses surround everything making imposible to save, take that hope away take that life away living nothing left inside.
If u read the bible and you see the things in spiritual way you realize that if you sing this musics you´re ordering deamons to a life for example you are sat and looking your brother at the same time singing the song you could send something to your brother life things like that is why i don´t listen secular musics it doesn´t have to be a satanis musics.
And i know that god is more powefull than satan but they have rules and if i do something i have to play for it. But in my case god let the bad spirit touch to make me realize that the musics was playing has something bad and is a open door to my house thats why i have to separate spiritually my room of the house and cover with the blood of the lamb if a family do bad things the deamon can´t enter in my room.
But well i only wanted to share this expirience with you but the only thing i wanna know is If theocracy members are real christian its mean pray go to church etc or only sing christian songs.
No... demons cannot touch you if you are saved. They can haunt you but not possess you after salvation.
Goldenight, I understand where you are coming from, I've been there myself. But I think you give demons way too much power. As Ryan mentioned, once you are filled with Christ, they have no power over you. When you say that they have rules and such, my first question would be, where do you find that in the Bible? If you don't want to listen to secular music, then don't because of your love for Christ and God, not for fear of them. Do it out of respect and honor to the Lord.
Men i´m serious i don´t listen secular musics because if i do it i´ll open a door to the demons to come to my house or my heart.
I mean musics for example a song calling Enough i´ll not say the name of the band because human is so curious: The song say dark forcesses surround everything making imposible to save, take that hope away take that life away living nothing left inside.
If u read the bible and you see the things in spiritual way you realize that if you sing this musics you´re ordering deamons to a life for example you are sat and looking your brother at the same time singing the song you could send something to your brother life things like that is why i don´t listen secular musics it doesn´t have to be a satanis musics.
And i know that god is more powefull than satan but they have rules and if i do something i have to play for it. But in my case god let the bad spirit touch to make me realize that the musics was playing has something bad and is a open door to my house thats why i have to separate spiritually my room of the house and cover with the blood of the lamb if a family do bad things the deamon can´t enter in my room.
But well i only wanted to share this expirience with you but the only thing i wanna know is If theocracy members are real christian its mean pray go to church etc or only sing christian songs. 8:30-45&version=NVI first question would be, where do you find that in the Bible? If you don't want to listen to secular music, then don't because of your love for Christ and God, not for fear of them. Do it out of respect and honor to the Lord.

Well said. :)
I recognize those Disturbed lyrics up there. Not to try to insult your beliefs or anything, but I'm a Christian and I regularly listen to bands like Disturbed and Iron Maiden, and I haven't seen any demons around yet. +1 to the sentiment that if you are saved, you're totally free from Satan.