Have I just figured out the one true way of determining if a band is good?

Hmmm...I have realized that Opeth draw a lot of female crowds...

Other than that: misogynist?:lol:

Oscar Wilde: "A woman will flirt with anybody in the world as long as other people are looking on."
There were 6 or 7 girls at the Demilich show here the other night... Does that mean Demilich are falses?
Zealotry said:
There were 6 or 7 girls at the Demilich show here the other night... Does that mean Demilich are falses?

Hmm. 6 or 7 probably shouldn't count as "lots", but I guess I'd need to know how many people in total were there.

And from there I can scientifically determine exactly what male to female ratio attendance breakpoints would make a band good or not.



OK, it's been forever since I had the album, and I'm sure I'd have a different opinion of it now, but I remember haattiinngg it back then.
The toad vocals are just part of its charm. They pretty much originated the whole idea of dissonance/atonality in death metal, and noone's ever been able to really replicate the crazy harmonics they used throughout Nespithe [though not for lack of trying].