Have ti get off now...

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
I'm on a computer at another perosn's house and we're getting ready to leave,so I must get off the computer.This'll just explain for my sudden dissappearence.I may be back on in an hour or so,though.Tootles.
I honestly don't know what tootle pip means...my Smashing Pumpkins obsessed friend just randomly made it up...that's what she does.But Amos and I use it in the place of goodbye in our phone conversations.Damnit=hello and tootle pip=goodbye.Our greetings vary.At first it was "Thrust!":lol:
Sorry I haven't conntaced you in the longest damn time,Amos.I am being forced to go to yet another church gathering today.It's for the funeral of one of my father's friend's fathers who had a brain tumour.I hardly remember ever seeing this guy.Churches two days in a row...*wimpers*save me,Amos,I'm not sure if I can take this.
didn't that happen in the amittyville movie?

priest went in the house and tried exorcism, and the walls bled