have yeh missed me?


ps. do you know the place called Lund? omg the people who live there are such fags!! they're like the ultimate homo people in the universe! WHY WON'T THEY JUST DIE OR SOMETHING?
Those lundafags piss me off like hell.
They sit on the bus and go "liek OMG look at that man's outfit liek OMG liek shoot me now OMG"
I just wanna jump up from my seat and smack some sense into them.
you're so selfish :( you have a change to kill Lund faggots and all you do is worry about going to prison. WHAT ABOUT ALL THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE TO DEAL WITH THOSE FAGS EVERY DAY?!?!?! DON'T YOU CARE ABOUT THEM AT ALL?!?!?!