Have you ever caught yourself in the moment?

wayne the goblin/robot

Im done with this *****
Dec 30, 2004
You know what Im talking about. When you hear a kickass song and all of the sudden you catch youself dancing in your own wierd demented sort of way, you know like that numa numa guy on the internet. Ive caught myself in this position more times than once with Bllind Guardian, and Symphony X. Hell, one time when I was listening to Finntroll I started to do a russian sort of dance, and started yelling HEY! HEY! HEY!

this happen to any of you before?
i once caught myself with both hands up my ass...i mean erm...erm...wha?...no..erm.

no it hasnt happened to me. *phew they bought it*
Yeah, I've caught myself doing this stupid headbanging dance to Train of Thought. Always makes me hope the neighbors didn't see... ;)
Oh yeah, all the time..I did this for about 3 days in a row once I hooked up my new stereo & was able to play all of the vinyl records I hadn't heard in years..had some good ol' tunes blaring for days, & me dancing around like an idiot. Good times, man, good times..glad no one was home to see it *laughs*.
The Stormbringer said:
Playing the air bass, complete with rock star posing that would make John Petrucci, the master of geeky gestures, proud, is commonplace with me. :D

Petrucci, geeky? The man never moves on stage! He just stands there with his face two inches from the fretboard. He's probably drooling all over it.

But he kicks ass, yes.
I just had one of those moments in the car listening to Devin Townsend.

Onstar: This is OnStar, we just noticed your airbag deployed. Would you like us to send an ambulence?
Me: No, I would like you to shut up so I can back out and get the hell away from here.
I agree.. the steering wheel is the best drum kit ever...

However, when I'm in a red light I like to power up some super heavy stuff and headbang and scream like I was posessed... this does scare people around you, you know... :)
Oh, I love doing that kind of stuff...especially when there's rap crap in a nearby vehicle. ;)

So Kronikle...HOW did you make your airbag deploy? Using the steering wheel as a drumset?
the_satanic_rabbit said:
The dancing does come out unless I've had a few brews, but I may make other movements or wierd faces. It always happens at work when someone is walking by!

someone should record themselves doing this and put it on the internet, like that numa numa guy, only it would be to a iron maiden, sx, or dt, or any other prog, power, heavy metal band ect.
Oh wow, I always rock out in the weirdest ways. Like Andrew WK - that guy makes up all kinds of weird "dances", or just movements really, to kind of represent the music. It's hard to describe.