Have you ever saved someone's life?


Aug 30, 2001
I never have, but a friend told me today about a time he was fishing with some friends when one of them fell off a log into the river and he had to save him. Long story short, it involved running down the river in front of the guy, jumping off an 8 foot cliff into the water and holding onto a rock while grabbing him as he went past. He said the guy's eyes were completely glassed over and he was totally unresponsive to what was happening, just floating down the river in a dream like state. He was barely able to hold on long enough to get out, but finally they did.

No one else that was with us had done it, either. Got me wondering, how many people HAVE saved someone else's life? Have you?
Nope. I've actually told the 'tards I'll charge then $5 for Heimlich and $10 for extended CPR, though. Most know I'm joking, one thought I was serious and tried to hand me a five during dinner, "just in case."

I'm awful.

(No I didn't take the money.)
I've pulled or helped to try rescue a few after bad boating accidents. Most survived some not. Also have helped several to some success with deep rooted personal problems with about the same success.
No but I was saved. When I was younger my cheap father made me wear his wet suit on a snorkeling trip. It was way too big and I had a weight belt on it to collect abalone so when the wetsuit filled with water, down I went. Luckily someone saw me going down and was able to swim out and pull me out. I got in trouble for losing the weight belt and the snorkel.
Called 911 for a kid who got hit by a bus.

and helped a woman with Parkinson's walk better at the physical therapist office I used to intern with.
I've saved a life and have been saved myself, too.

As a kid, I almost drowned at a public swimming pool because my foot got caught up between the stairs of a staircase I was diving under. I was unable to free myself and, of course, panicking. Luckily, my cousin (about the same age) was there and he noticed what happened. He couldn't get me out so he yelled for my grandpa who went with us. My grandpa then tried to drag me out of there and eventually, he had been successful.

I was under the water for quite some time. If my cousin wouldn't have noticed, I'd be dead now.


Some years later I was out camping with some buddies, we had a huge fireplace and got totally drunk. All in all we had a pretty good time... if it wasn't for this obnoxious kid who was dumb as shit and annoying as cancer. I couldn't stand him.

Anyway, stupid kid got epically shitfaced and eventually turned from "obnoxious drunk" into "self-pitying, nobody loves me, melancholic piece of shit". As morning broke I was basically the only one who could still walk a somewhat straight line and hadn't passed out. As I was taking a piss, stupid kid stumbled over to the fire, emptied a liquor bottle on him... and cast himself into the fire.

When I heard him fall, I rushed over, dragged him out by the legs and threw a blanket over him. At that point he also stopped breathing so I performed CPR, he vomited and came back. I then got an ambulance etc...

Lucky him, the fire wasn't full on anymore and I was fast enough so the burns weren't overly severe. Had I been out like the rest, he would be dead.

And now, shit gets ironic: this dumb piece of shit went on to become a international male top model. He's among the best paid young male top models now. No shit...
Nope, not really. I called 911 for a wreck once but I'm sure several other people did as well, I would hope anyway. Have saved some little animal lives though :)
Last year the company I work for provided CPR and medical training for a few of us that wanted to take it. So I took the class sessions. Two days after I received the training my daughter was tossing a quarter in the air and catching it. As she was tossing it up she was watching it fall back down to her with her mouth open. On one of her tosses she moved forward too much and the quarter went down her throat and it got stuck. I heard her cough rather harshly and found she was choking. I gave her the Heimlich maneuver. The quarter was stuck in the vertical position in her throat, so it wasn't coming out. With her harsh coughing and the Heimlich the quarter was finally forced out. During this time my wife called 911 and they sent paramedics. By the time they arrived it was over. They checked her out and said she was fine. It was very luck that I had taken that class.