...kept losing a CD and were forced to buy it several times? I've lost two copies of DHIADW. For some reason, I just can't seem to hang on to it, lol. The first time I lost it was right after it came out. I'd had it for about a month... and, somehow, lost the damn thing. I don't know where the hel it went. So... I waited about a year thinking "It's GOT to show up eventually." Well, it didn't. So, I finally broke down and went and bought it again. I had that copy for maybe three weeks, give or take, and then lost it again, lol. That was about five months ago, I think. I'm debating whether or not I should just break down and buy another copy or not. It's a damn good CD, and well worth buying again... but there's still this stubborn voice in my head saying, "You've already bought the thing twice... it HAS to show up SOMEWHERE!" Lol... Watch... I'll buy it a third time, have it for a day, and then lose THAT copy, lol. I know I'll break down and buy the thing a third time... but of course, I've got to be stubborn about it, lol. 
Has this happened to anyone else, out of curiousity? (Just so I know I'm not the only one, lol.)

Has this happened to anyone else, out of curiousity? (Just so I know I'm not the only one, lol.)