My Nevermore CD's are cursed!


Lord Of Chaos
Feb 17, 2002
New Jersey USA
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It all started with POE. Ive bought three fucking copies of that. Lost or misplaced each one of them. Im going to buy my fourth soon.....

I guess I waited too long cause now the curse claimed my DHIADW CD. Actually my car claimed that one. Somehow it came out of the case and was wondering around the inside of the vehicle. I came across it the other day and its ruined.....

I smell a conspiracy here.
Actually I really try to. I have close to 200 of them, 50 or so movies, and about 40 games spanning all 3 of the current video game consoles. Im a big media freak. Thats why I think they are cursed. Its only my Nevermore CD's. I still have all the cases, manuels, etc. I dont let the kids touch them.....I dont get it. Maybe I was a bit careless with Dead Heart, but I swear I cant explain 3 disapearences of POE. I still have all the original cases and booklets for them too. lol
i let someone borrow my PoE and they never gave it back. then i let someone borrow my DNB and they never gave it back. then my DHIADW got grinded into the back porch. fortunately chrome came with his cd's and took me away soon after
Xyrus77 said:
Maybe I was a bit careless with Dead Heart, but I swear I cant explain 3 disapearences of POE. I still have all the original cases and booklets for them too. lol
It's because that cd is so kickass that when some one hears it in your car, they end up taking it with then.
I managed to lose two double-sided "pages" I tore out of a CD wallet. One had Overkill's Horrorscope and WASP's First Blood, Last Cuts; the other had Overkill's Bloodletting and NUMBER OF THE FUCKING BEAST. Grrrr.

They're still on my computer, of course, but that's really fuckin annoying.
I won't lend anyone anything. They settle for a burned copy or hearing it in my house.

Also, no written CDs in the car, copies. They NEVER get scratches.
NoLordy: I do that too. If I buy a new album and find it to be a real killer which will fit perfectly for some nice driving, then I'll make a copy of it, and the copy stays in the car.

I never risk to scratch the original disc, and I never have to carry a bunch of CDs between the car and the house every time I'm going for a long trip. I never need to get out to the car to fetch an album if I want to listen to it inside. It's great.