Have you ever thought about... (WARNING: potentially offensive)


MetalHead & Engineer
Sep 20, 2004
DO NOT READ if you're prone to offense. I don't seek to flame or be flamed, just something I think about.

So my mind works in strange logistics and I spend a lot of time thinking in taboo. More and more things "corporate" just irk me to no end. I was able to avoid most of it in school, but after getting a job and placed in the industry, it is inescapable.
True, I could have worked for a smaller engineering firm, but they are quite a bit harder to get into without personal references; and believe it or not it isn't too easy to get an engineering job as a white male thanks to the new corporate buzzword--"diversity"(*), so I took the first job available to me.

Back in September I was invited to a "personal meeting" with the CEO. (At the end of the fiscal year, september, he invites a "random cross-sectional view of the employment body" of 20 people to a meeting, so it was by no accomplishment good or bad of mine). Now don't get me wrong, the CEO was a very personable character, and would rival Nathan's skills among a crowd of his own peers... but ever since that meeting and listening to the language he was using, I CANNOT trust anything that comes from corporate level management anymore. It was so impersonal, so fake, so elusive, and used a lot of words to accomplish a lot of NOTHING.

I only picture them in meeting rooms laughing, talking, scheming... similar to what any of us might do in a hotel room prior to a concert. Only instead of being related to the evening's events and fun banter between metalheads, it's talking about how to make a bigger share of profits for themselves, how they can "more efficiently" run the company (ie: what new ploys can they market, or what kinds of benefits can they trim), etc...

So that always makes me think. I think of the "sheep" we are. I think of how we walk into their crappy schemes... either unknowingly, or justifying it to ourselves somehow.

As an example, let us look at gas prices. (shush! this isn't just a thread for me to bitch about oil! :heh: ) Well after Katrina (after prices had "stabilized" back to normal) I went and decided to do a little neurotic research... I went and found gas price fluctuations while George was in office... and then as best data I could find as far back as I could find. I then found an inflation website (http://inflationdata.com). After doing some calculation, I found it funny that gas inflation always seemed to ride higher than "inflation". In 1980 when Reagan taxed (or did something extreme to gas prices, maybe someone around back then can fill me in more?) gas capped out at about 2.90/gal ... a rather far cry from the 3.30/gal I saw here during Katrina. Even during the Gulf War "crisis" they barely breached 2.00/gal!
(all prices adjusted for inflation)

And how it seems to come from the top... good ol Georgy boy. I really despise that man. Don't get me wrong, I hate all politicians, but George goes that extra mile to show his indifference towards his fellow citizens. He is in business to be in business, not to be a leader of his people. How insensitive can a person be?

Now, I do tend to like the "freedoms" I have in the USA, but many times I think those freedoms are only there so long as you follow the crowd. Sure you're free to speak... so long as you speak in a publicly acceptable manner. Sure you've freedom of religion...so long as you don't ask for your religious holidays off, but observe those that are given to you. Sure you have freedom of choice... so long as you choose to die for your country if they so ask you. But many times I find myself not too proud to be an american when I see all kinds of problems here that can't be fixed. And I don't mean just things like "poverty", "hunger" and yada yada. But things like... WHY THE FUCK are we throwing tons and tons of money on a useless war (in my book, "war" is by definition, useless. not to be confused with fighting, though.) when we COULD be educating people and wouldn't need to have to import so much technical skills or outsource so much work.

Now here's where it's going to get vile.

How many of you have heard of those kidnapped in the middle east and were executed as infidels or what have you? I suspect most of you. How many of you have SEEN any of the videos these "heroic" terrorists' executions? I don't mean doctored for TV ones or even explicit TV ones where you might see blood on a knife after hearing someone scream in pain. I mean the ACTUAL videos of their hostages being beheaded. It's brutal, it's inhuman, it's psychotic, and it's certainly uncivilized. (I have dozens of them for anybody not believing me).

BUT!! How many of you have heard of ANY hostages being saved? Personally, I have heard of NONE. I do not cling to every news story, so if someone can point me to a story that says otherwise, I would appreciate it and back down my passion a bit.

What do you make of that? Here you have children begging their dad to come help them, and dad just sits by idly and does nothing. No special ops group, no nothing... unless I suppose if it were a big name politician, then maybe? What kind of fucking father does that? If it happened literally with dad/children in the country here, you'd have every legal system crunching down on that. But as a country, we apparently feel no need to protect those citizens not currently living here?

And I often think "What would happen if I were there and were held hostage?" "What would I do in that given situation?"
I would NOT beg for my life, though I don't think there is any way I could mentally prepare for what was going to happen. I would, however, do all I could to show my disgust with the country's lack of efforts to do anything for me other than raise the price of gas to crank up their bank accounts. Or how untrustworthy I felt the government was... Here is someone serving the country by doing what is generally socially accepted as a common good, and dying not for what they believe in, but after months of being humiliated, tortured and starved by a rogue terrorist group to be sacrificed to their God.

Sometimes it's just too much and I feel very emotional and unnerved at how we can easily dismiss our leader(s) as being just typical leadership, and overlook the extreme dishonor being done to our fellow citizens.

I'm starting to lose focus as so many things run into my mind, so I'll end there and hope that at least one person out there understands my logistics about these misdeeds.

*some companies, including mine, Rockwell Collins, put tags like "diversity focus" on new hire positions... which means (and yes, it was a hiring manager that told me this) that their FIRST choice from a group of candidates for the position MUST be female or minority. Nothing at all against any female or any minority (except elvis impersonators... gawd damn they drive me crazy), but that sounds a LOT to me like "instituitionalized discrimination"
I realize this has little to directly with metal, so I apologize for the misplaced post, but I just wanted to see what a group of people I consider to be "peers" thinks on these kinds of things.
I refuse to get into political discussions on a web forum, it usually gets heated, and ruins friendships past,present, and future..... I'd gladly discuss this with you via E-mail though, because while I DO agree with some things, I definiately have an opposing view on others....

Sure, I understand that. My intent really wasn't a political post as it was supposed to be an epistemic look at how greed/money causes things like neglect/indifference/alienation, and how dishonorable that is.
But I was writing off the top of my head and missed about half the stuff I wanted to put in, and the post was already ridiculously long.

If you want to continue it, but feel no need to, you can email me at chaosDOTeeATgmailDOTcom
The first part about the sheep and the corporate bungholes is pretty much right on track. I have been in the Architectural/Engineering fields for like 20 sum years. Talk about a fucking scam! A year and 1/2 ago I quit my job and have been working as a consultant since. What a change it has been. I now love to do my job and have no corporate monkey on my back. I can now work on my time frame and be able to make my own decisions about my time and not feel the need to be a sheep anymore. I have story after story of the ass rapings that I took being in the corporate world that would have a factory worker think his/her job the best thing since sliced bread. I worked on the average of 12-18 hour days for the first nine years of my career and made a salary... which consisted of basically being paid for about a six hour day. All the while I was being "led" by my corporate masters and being "trained" to believe that this is the way it is. I asked the old boss a year or so after I changed that job why they made us work all of those hours... He says to me, Nobody told you to do it. I though to myself, what a fucker. If I wouldn't have put in that time, I wouldn't have had a job.

Anywho, As much as we are trained to believe that this is the way it is. It can be different or better if we make it that way. Remember that the only person looking out for you is you. No matter what your company says to you, the only thing that they are concerned with is how much money they are putting in their pockets, not yours. The sooner that you realize and accept that fact the sooner you will be able to do what is right for YOU.

With being out on my own, I am not sure if it is better or worse or whatever... I still have to kiss ass and deal with fuckers BUT... I can work in my jammies, chose NOT to answer the phone, do what I think is the right thing, etc. and on and on... and at the end of the day, I only have to answer to MYSELF as to if I made progress and good decisions that day. Yes it is a great feeling... Makes work "fun" again.

Just don't let anyone tell you that you aren't good enough or if you are making the right decisions if you do chose to make the step in going into business for yourself. Everything works out one way or another!

To address the political part of your post. It is the same with the politicians as it is with our workplace. I don't listen to what the media tries to shove down our throats. They are basically all full of shit and what is being discussed today is not going to personally effect me and my loved ones. Freedom is what you make it. I chose not to dwell on bad thing but to try (as hard as it is) to focus on the good things. Few and far between but if I was to focus on the world crisi and the gas prices and so on, I would be dead tomorrow from the stress.

All of this is my choice and with anything, I chose not to be a sheep!

I could go on forever. If you want to talk more, drop me a note. I have 20 sum years of being a sheep...

Politics, religion, abortion, gun control. Those are the topics I will not discuss with anybody. I'm not going to change anybody's opinion, and they are not going to change mine. It will get heated. It will be a waste of time.
Thanks for the replies thus far, guys.
As I mentioned, I wasn't really looking for a DEBATE of any kind, I was trying to show a logical epistemology. And I was trying to just see what others thought of this.

I believe the reasons things get heated is because people often REFUSE to accept other people having their own opinions. I have gotten into arguments with many a religious person because they felt compelled to convert me, etc... but that doesn't mean that the topic itself is bad, it is generally quite the opposite: the person discussing the topic.

I went to school with a guy that has a DRASTICALLY different religious viewpoint than I do, and he was very open about it. He was (still is... though he's now half a country away) one of my best friends. He RESPECTED other people's opinions. We would have long discussions all the time, and it never got heated because he was able to sit and listen to my views with an open mind and I was able to listen to his without feeling like I was in a sermon. Neither of us tried to convert the other or deemed each other less valuable.

More or less, that is what I was after with this. I just wanted to know what others thought. I don't plan on saying "no you're wrong, it's like this..." and was imagining that members of this forum wouldn't either. But I guess abstaining from conversation altogether prevents any chance of temptation.

But even as I re-read what I wrote, it comes off not as I intended it and looks mostly just like it was a way to flame Bush on both war and oil policies. If ever I have a "next time" idea, I am going to write an outline first :D
Well, I have almost the complete opposite viewpoint as you on the political part of your post, and just would like to point out that there have been people rescued who were kidnapped, I've seen several stories actually.

As for the corporate world, yeah, that seems to be the way it is just about everywhere. After all, it's a manager's job to make/save money for the company. If he doesn't do it, he'll be fired and they'll find someone else who will do it.

It makes you really appreciate it all the more when you get a boss who is straight up with you, and actually does care for your welfare. Unfortunately, those bosses are usually at a low level and can't really do much for you lol...
Selppinevoli said:
Well, I have almost the complete opposite viewpoint as you on the political part of your post, and just would like to point out that there have been people rescued who were kidnapped, I've seen several stories actually.

Now that is some input I was hoping to see, thanks! :)
I don't suppose you could point me at some news story about any given rescuee? I tend to spend most of my off-time thinking in the taboo, so naturally I only stumble upon the stories of such unfortunate victims that seem to be too explicit to show to the general public.

Also, were a lot of those rescued either military or high political figures? I scrutinize the details not because I'm looking to point out the bad, but the more statistics one can find about a given scenario, the more one can better understand it.

I also know that USA isn't alone in having citizens kidnapped. In fact, the most recent thing I've read regarding this are some Germans being kidnapped, while the German government seems to be denying the authenticity of the claim. In the event it is true, talk about a major slap in the victim's face!

BTW Selppinevoli, (noticing your banner) isn't Onward from Montana? Are they still together? They would be sweet to see live!
About Onward, I haven't a clue, I've never even heard of them until now. So to my knowledge, no lol. I'll have to look them up though.

I'm heading to work pretty soon, so I can't try to look up the articles, but I remember seeing some TV reports and internet reports about it. Most of them that I remember were just average workers, American, British, Iraqi, and a few other nationalities I can't remember, who were rescued.
Well that's certainly a boost in my image of the government.
And as time passes from that stressful day which caused me to think of that rant, I am less and less inclined to feel as emotional about it as I did :)

You should check out Onward. If I remember correctly it's Toby Knapp on guitar and the (original) singer of Legend Maker. Nothing extremely new or different, but just good melodic metal.