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Hello Again!
Well another week has passed and the whilwind continues!First I would like to say thank you to everyone who responded to the last email asking you to help Rapture out the results are showing.
Have any of you ever heard of a guy named Adhab?Adhab is a guy who wrote me quite sometime back andsaid he wanted to help in any way possible we sent him some flyers to print and pass out and I also asked him to spotlight bands and labels and see if could contact them?Well Adhab has been a very busy dude and his help is very much appreciated!Litlle did we know Adhab was an amazing musician who had a great band himself,His band "Winged Serphant Master" can now be heard on the airwaves at Rapture Radio!Thankls for everything you are doing Adhab!
What about Janelle in Cananda who just happened to contact me via MSN(Contact me at raptureradio@msn.com) one day and said "I want to help" So I offered her the daunting task of getting people to the forum she is working hard and results are showing,She also whipped up some cool flyers and passed them out at shows!Janelle thank you.
We have quite the dedicated family of people here doing things for no reason at all just to help out and I appreciate all of you even you,thanks for taking the time to listen and telling a friend about Rapture!
We are excited as we will put out our very first Magazine add very soon for the next awesome issue of UNRESTRAINED! It is our first attempt at grabing people through advertising in U!Thanks to Adrian and Adam for all of their help!
We continue to sponsor shows with Kataklysm coming up as well as Anal Blast and it looks like Vehemance will be coming through town,We are honored to spospor such amazing shows!
I will be the M.C. for the upcoming Heavycore raost coming to Oklahoma City on July 17th featuring local Oklahoma badasses SKullpl8(Look for Skullpl8 in the next issue of Terrorizer Mag!) as well as I beleive 10 other Heavycore bands,If you are not familliar with Heavycore you should check out an amazing sponsor of the underground at www.heavycore.org
I also encourage everyone to go check out Down for Five at www.downforfive.com this band is on the verge of breaking out big time and they are awesome people!
And before I get on to the top 10 I want to thank Jen at Metal Blade for hooking us up with great new music and Mean Dean at Relapse for the brand new Suffocation and Zeke you can now hear on Rapture!
Top 10.................
1.Vehemance-Made for her Jesus
2.Monstrocity-Awaiting Armeggedon
3.Dimesion Zero-Through the Virgin Skies
4.Suffoication-Sugery of Impalement (Brand new Cut!)
5.Decrepit Birth-Comdemmed to Nothingness
8.Soul Embraced-The scorn of Deaths Kiss
10.In Flames-The Quiet Place (Brand new Cut!)

One last thing! I can tell you to support Metal in Oklahoma is alot like trying to sell vibrators to nuns so when someone does it they are doing it out of passion and love for the underground,The Goat over at OKC Sickness has started his own site and it gets better all the time so OKC listners and those looking to support the underground check out: http://www.freewebs.com/okcsickness/

Keep it up loud!