Haven't beem here in a while, so how's everyone doing??

So here's my scoop

I moved in with my best friend Andrea and things have definately been crazy. 4 days after I moved in we went to see a show of an old friend of mine's band and I met the most amazing man ever. We have been together ever since (a little over two months now). I haven't been this happy in a long time and it feels good.

although right now I'm more broke than I have been in years!! I've had some crazy health issues and I'm finally getting better. It's been kinda rough
It's all good though because I'm happy.

I'm doing another calendar. This one will be done by October though! More scantily clad metal chicks.

I had to close down FireWalk due to some shady thievery and I'm not sure when it will be back:( I will still be vending at Northwest Deathfest in Seattle in November though. Never can miss a Howitzer festival.

I guess that sums things up. I hope everyone's doing well!! :headbang:
So here's my scoop

I moved in with my best friend Andrea and things have definately been crazy. 4 days after I moved in we went to see a show of an old friend of mine's band and I met the most amazing man ever. We have been together ever since (a little over two months now). I haven't been this happy in a long time and it feels good.

although right now I'm more broke than I have been in years!! I've had some crazy health issues and I'm finally getting better. It's been kinda rough
It's all good though because I'm happy.

I'm doing another calendar. This one will be done by October though! More scantily clad metal chicks.

I had to close down FireWalk due to some shady thievery and I'm not sure when it will be back:( I will still be vending at Northwest Deathfest in Seattle in November though. Never can miss a Howitzer festival.

I guess that sums things up. I hope everyone's doing well!! :headbang:

being happy is above all, and I am happy for you girl! :)
Good to hear from you!! Long time indeed!
I hope the health issues will work out... and please come more often, Jenna! :cool:
Glad to hear you are happy Jen, I know you were down in the dumps for a while. I hope all the health issues go away and you can be both happy and healthy.

Really sux about the store, people just have no morals anymore. I know you will bounce back and make it bigger and better. :headbang:

Congrats on meeting someone, it is really hard to make a real connection, hope it lasts.
hey jen! glad to finally hear from you!

it sucks about the health issues and the theivery. it sucks how people screw each other over like that, but glad you're getting that calender done, and that you have this spiffy new boy of yours!!

stick around, eh?
Hey did you guys hear that? That was the sound of DreamNeonDan's heart breaking. I know how to cheer him up though....


As for me... I'm doing good! Thanks for asking!

A couple months ago I got a longboard.


I've been learning to shred around town on that thing. It's pretty fun, but I've already fallen about 4 times and I really hurt my hands and arm. I think I really injured my left elbow the last time I crashed hard. I hit my knees, stomach, hands, and chin all at the same time I think I tweaked my whole left elbow in the process. I've been unable to fully extend my left arm and turn it so my palm faces upwards. It hurts like fucking hell and makes it sort of hard to do the other things I've been doing recently, such as:


Playing softball. All the on-air guys from the radio station I work at has a team that travels around the area each weekend to play against listeners. It's always a alcohol fueled fun time. When the game is over, we go to a bar in the town we're in and drink with the other team and generally act like the idiots we all are haha. My only complaint is that the games aren't ever serious enough. No one keeps score or follows any rules, but ya take it for what it is. It actually makes me consider joining a real, competitive league. I played baseball for like 15 years growing up and then stopped when I started college. The fire has been rekindled and I never knew how much I missed it. I want to start playing again now.

Right now I'm in the middle of recording my bass tracks for the debut Weapon Within album. It's coming along nicely and we're doing everything ourselves. The last band we were all in hired a big name producer to do everything and all we got out of it was debt. Now we do it all ourselves on our own dime and time and it's WAY better. I think people are going to be surprised when they hear this shit. The best part is going over every part of our songs in detail with Paul and coming up with better basslines than I already had. That guy makes me feel like I know how to play haha. Here's a pic of my rig all mic'd up for tracking:


Other than that, I've been drinking a LOT lately and playing tons of pool at the local watering hole (Goofy's!!!), riding the longboard around Greenlake virtually daily and looking forward to my first week long vacation in YEARS (which will include some serious camping) at the end of this month!!!

Only complaints about lately:

- Painful arm
- Broke as a joke and half as funny
- A lot more lonely than usual
- Between the Buried and Me's new album doesn't come out until halfway through September.
Glad everyone's doing well. I had a couple job interview last week, hoping to hear back from the $18 an hour one. I'm trying to get FireWalk back up, though it's been difficult. There is a myspace for it though www.myspace.com/firewalkmuzic if anyone's interested. We're still doing a booth at Howitzer's Northwest Deathfest in November. Happy to go back to Seattle for a couple days. :headbang:

Well I'm off to get get some coffee.