Having a Drum Reverb problem...


Jun 28, 2013
Paris, France
Hey Guys :
I'm using Metal Machine,and I use my own reverb plugin not the built-in reverb,no matter how much reverb I add to Drums the tail of it won't appear in the mix(even with 3000ms) especially for the snare.
for example look at these songs,

at 4:20


not a fan of Rammstein but a good examples,
at 1:00(this sound like the snare is mixed with gunshot)

Edit: I think using compressor on the reverb channel Helps a bit.
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What do you mean by "it won't appear in the mix" ?
You don't hear it when all the other instruments are playing (guitars, bass, vox...etc) ?

2 solutions :
- EQ your reverb bus (hi pass, remove the mud, cut some high end...etc, shape the tone to your needs)
- EQ the other instruments to give some space for your reverb tail / avoid masking

Be sure to mix your reverb bus loud enough too, and feel free to automate it depending on the parts (obviously, you won't need the same amount for a fast blast beat part than for a slow groovy beat).

Any clip to share ? (soloed drums and in the context of a mix)

EDIT : and yeah, you can also play with compression/limiting to keep it under control.
Compression on the reverb bus, after OR before the reverb (both can give good results)
id recommend using a simple-ish reverb where you can really understand and adjust all the parameters very quickly. some reverbs have a million options and its impossible to get your head round if you don't have much experience with reverbs.

with a simple reverb, think about why you're adding it and what you want to get out of it and that should answer your questions. its completely context dependant so there isn't a *correct* way of using it. I'd recommend EQ'ing the verb after, you don't need much lows or highs above 4-5k generally.
id recommend using a simple-ish reverb where you can really understand and adjust all the parameters very quickly. some reverbs have a million options and its impossible to get your head round if you don't have much experience with reverbs.

with a simple reverb, think about why you're adding it and what you want to get out of it and that should answer your questions. its completely context dependant so there isn't a *correct* way of using it. I'd recommend EQ'ing the verb after, you don't need much lows or highs above 4-5k generally.

That's totally right.
I finally was able to make it stand in the mix, I boosted the volume on the Reverb buss and equalized the reverb buss with high and low passes.
I chose something from the Practice room to see if I managed to improve the reverb in my mix:

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