Having a problem with my 5150 II again...help please?


how do mix ¯\(°_o)/¯
Oct 7, 2008
Hey guys,

Bassicly, ive had my 5150 II for a few months now, to begin with it had a faulty valve, kept blowing fuses, so i replaced ALL the pre amp and power amp valves, with JJs and GTs

Few months later and just when im recording litralley 20 minutes ago, while on the green channel, the volume dropped and theres no gain at all. all i hear is clean guitar, and just slightly. I have it on crunch with a tubescreamer in front...still nothing. gain on 8...

Any ideas what could have caused this? ive tried changing cables and changing guitar, nothing. the wierd thing is, it sounds like the red channel is working fine :/

thanks for any help! :notworthy

EDIT: also i got it for rediculously cheap from my local guitar store. £399

Any chance they knew something was really wrong with it?

after trying to mess around with it to guess whats wrong im still not sure

All i know is, the pre knob on the green channel makes little or no difference when i go from 1-10, crunch mode makes no difference, and the strangest of all the post knob hardly makes any difference either, pretty much no extra volume is added from 3-10 on the knob. and very little between 1-3

Any ideas what could be wrong? what should i do? take it into my local shop?
any way to find out if that the problem?

Sucks if it is because i JUST replaced them like november last year...
The best way is to buy a 12AX7, and swap it from slot to slot until the problem goes away! (if it does)
ok, kind of annoying since the valves are brand new...

Btw, say i wanted to get a new amp head >_>

and had a budget of £1500, mainly used for djenty stuff (heading in my new songs direction of tone www.myspace.com/bleedingskies1 )

What would anyone reccomend?
it's a good idea to make sure all your contact points are looking snug before inserting new tubes. Also it's recommended that you use contact cleaner on the tube pins and insert a few times to make sure you have good contact with the tube socket. Let those pins scratch a good contact point as they are all a little different. I have also heard that if your socket is still a little loose on the tube pins you can gently roll the pins between your fingers to slightly bend them inward. Gentle goes it with that one! Don't know if this will help but it worked for me a few times. As Metaltastic stated it is a good idea to have one or two extra pre amp tubes on hand.