Having Fun with Ampsims - do you wanna play?

MR Lepou let me ask you something a littlke off topic here.

I was having some issues with lecab 2. When i load any cubase project made in my desktop pc in the notebook... cubase crashes. It only happend in projects with lecab2. the path of my IR folder is diferent in each computer

i was reading your blog and i've found this


Alejandro a dit…

Hi there :)
Thank you for all your awesome plugins. Really great job.
I think this is the best impulse loader, and I think is better than lecab1 for the possibility of using like impulses browser, but there is a problem with that, and I think there is a big one (maybe the same problem of @sticktoyogunz up there).

I have noticed (in Reaper) that you can use lecab2 and choosing your IR's, set everything you want in your project (tracks, vsti's, and so on), save and close the daw. But if the path of the IR's used in the project is changed (with closed Reaper) lecab2 obviously will not be able to find them, and the daw simply will crash. Reaper cannot start, and corrupt the entire project ("Reaper has encountered a problem and needs to close") :S

I've looking for a solution to this problem, and I cant find it :(
I have made some tests. There are problems when the IR's path is changed. Please, take a look and correct me someone if Im wrong. The only solution for me is using lecab2 only like a impulses browser with easy preview, but when I find the sound, I have to load the IR's in Lecab1.

I think we have the same issue...

I could be great if you be able to fix this in a future update... Thank you
Hi Domingooo,

I also tried to reamp your DIs and I had really good results, using Softube Metal Amp room and the 11 rack.
I just wanted to know your chain, because the quality of the guitar, pickups, etc, is very important to get top tone.
What's your guitar ? How did you record your DI - precisely ?

Thanx to answer my stupid questions.
MR Lepou let me ask you something a littlke off topic here.

I was having some issues with lecab 2. When i load any cubase project made in my desktop pc in the notebook... cubase crashes. It only happend in projects with lecab2. the path of my IR folder is diferent in each computer

i was reading your blog and i've found this


Alejandro a dit…

Hi there :)
Thank you for all your awesome plugins. Really great job.
I think this is the best impulse loader, and I think is better than lecab1 for the possibility of using like impulses browser, but there is a problem with that, and I think there is a big one (maybe the same problem of @sticktoyogunz up there).

I have noticed (in Reaper) that you can use lecab2 and choosing your IR's, set everything you want in your project (tracks, vsti's, and so on), save and close the daw. But if the path of the IR's used in the project is changed (with closed Reaper) lecab2 obviously will not be able to find them, and the daw simply will crash. Reaper cannot start, and corrupt the entire project ("Reaper has encountered a problem and needs to close") :S

I've looking for a solution to this problem, and I cant find it :(
I have made some tests. There are problems when the IR's path is changed. Please, take a look and correct me someone if Im wrong. The only solution for me is using lecab2 only like a impulses browser with easy preview, but when I find the sound, I have to load the IR's in Lecab1.

I think we have the same issue...

I could be great if you be able to fix this in a future update... Thank you

I have a new version that is almost finished. In this one I check if the IR path exist and if it doesn't instead of crashing, it doesn't load anything. You will have to reload the IRs you were using in the session.
Hi Domingooo,

I also tried to reamp your DIs and I had really good results, using Softube Metal Amp room and the 11 rack.
I just wanted to know your chain, because the quality of the guitar, pickups, etc, is very important to get top tone.
What's your guitar ? How did you record your DI - precisely ?

Thanx to answer my stupid questions.

Glad you get could tones.... ive made this just to have something short an usable to test ampsims and IR (because every day a new one pops up!!)

I've recorded the six strings version with an Ibanez RG load with evolution pick ups... to a digitech valve fx (for comp and noise gate) direct to the motherboard line in) thats all.

The seven strings version was recorded with a RG 7 strings with blaze pick ups... dont know the chain... a frind record it. i will ask for you!!
I have a new version that is almost finished. In this one I check if the IR path exist and if it doesn't instead of crashing, it doesn't load anything. You will have to reload the IRs you were using in the session.

You Rule!!! thank you sir!!!:worship:
I'll try to play a bit with the 7 strings one, no problem.

Thanx for the kind words.:D
Instead of doing exactly the same shit, I'm thinking about using my regular rig :
Benrod Classic screamer + Laboga Mr Hector + Two Notes Torpedo (incredibly realistic and precise cab simulator).

Looking forward to reamping it :devil:
Instead of doing exactly the same shit, I'm thinking about using my regular rig :
Benrod Classic screamer + Laboga Mr Hector + Two Notes Torpedo (incredibly realistic and precise cab simulator).

Looking forward to reamping it :devil:

That would be ace! Although its been done to death always nice to see real amps and pod farm in the same thread. As I personally think they are not that different (massive can of worms around here).
I spent ten minutes playing with my laboga and eleven rack. Soooo, here is the 7 strings version.

I cheated a bit : here is the chain, right and left the same :

DI reamped through eleven rack, with TS808 sim, Treadplate Sim, V30, SM 57 OFF.
DI reamped through Benrod Classic Screamer - Laboga Mr Hector - Torpedo with Mesa Cab sim, SM 57 ON.

Everything mixed, a bit EQed. I used the magic button of the Stillwell Rocket compressor to add some bite to the tone.

I did it quickly with my usual settings, because I haven't been able to achieve monitoring the Laboga Track in my DAW. Eleven Rack trick...

Bass ?
Duplicate the track.
Track one just EQ.
Track 2, used Studio Devil BVC (free).
Both in a submix bus, and glued with a slight amount of compression.

Compressed a bit and EQed the master section.
I had tons of fun with this. Replaced the drums to suit my mixing needs. Hope thats okay.

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