having second thoughts about tuning a whole step down on my 7..


Mar 18, 2010
I hope im posting in the right section, but hopefully iam because its about sound..

So usually i tune my 7 to A (not just this string but the whole guitar is tuned a whole step down).

the logical thing to do would be to try our songs in A, Bb and B and listen.
The only problem is even the strings im ordering them from the US as i can hardly find what i want here..

So here i am about to order a whole custom set of strings for A but then i have been wondering: will my guitar really still sound as tight?

I mean there are a lot of bands now using 8 strings and their pretty tight but its adifferent sound (maybe more mids to cut through? im not sure) but im not really going for the "djent" sound? though it may be cool its not really what im talking about.

Not sure how to explain this.. M i making sense? could i get some advice?

In fact i have been reading here on this forum a few people saying that if they would go back to standard E the effect on the sound would be tighter/bigger.

Should i go to a half step down at least? or what would you do???

Is this a completely subjective topic with no defenitive order or do you AE's/"sound guys" have any opinion? id liek to hear your experiences recording different bands with different tunings and your percieved result..

We tune to A, no problems AFAIC. One guitarist uses 10-62 set and the other one 11(?)-70, depends so much on their style of playing,
what they're used to playing with and the sound they're going for. If the guitars are good and properly intonated, there shouldn't be any problems.
thanks for the reply man!!

Wondering if some of those who have been saying that they wish a lot more people would go back to standard E (sonically) would chime in to hear what they have to say on the other side of the fence.

I mean personally with my A tuning i agree with you it doesnt sound bad at all! just wondering if i could gain just that liiiiitlle bit tone if i sharpen at least to Bb..

Unfortunatelly its totally retarded that i cant find the proper strinsg to do these tests here. argh..
sorry for the ignorant remark but im not sure about baritones i thought they would be used for tuning even lower than a whole step down? unless you are talking about a 6 strings baritones; in that case it wouldnt work cause i would need to go higher for soloing.

However my next guitar will be a 26.5 scale length so that surelly will be suited better for A.

Mm i dont know man maybe ill just have to order a whooooole bunch of strings and test it.. though will be a pain in the pocket haha as a lot of them wont get any use. and i say a lot because i dont order everyday so ill have to order a good quantity for EACH of the three tunings regardless which one i end up with.

I was wondering if some of the guys in the gang who are recording bands would chime in with feedback on tone with different tunings. Mainly tone.

Granted though its not the most exciting thread! :p so i forgive them!!

Thanks for the reply guys!
I'm sorry man, I was very tired and read something like an octave lower than usual A.

Makes no sense. :p
I've got a Loomis in B, Bb and A. All strung w/ 10-60 strings. No problems with the A, but the scale is 26.5" (I've also made the bridge fixed...) A little spongy for the arpeggios, but not bad...