Hawk June 70s classics: Scorpions - In Trance

Bryant said:
I never saw anything wrong with the covers, nor was I trying to jump on Sinner Rider's opinion of the cover, but too many people see nude art as porn and nude art if the subject is underage as child porn. I think the law should lock up these sick pervs that like to abuse children for 20 years or so and leave the artists alone.
Actually I really dont care! The comment wasn't direct, I was just saying that it was a little girl. But it does not at any way offend me! I love the cd, and own many more disturbing cd's. The Scorps are actually one of the least offensive bands that own. When you think about it even Nirvana's Nevermind caused shit to stir, but like I was saying the time of In Trance is why it was so huge.
Bryant said:
Great post Hawk !! My 70's metal/hard rock collection is pretty slim. I need to listen to some of the older Scorps stuff.

I think your going to enjoy my 70s favorites series then.
Very interesting post Hawk, and if there's a Scorpions history in the current issue of the german Rock Hard, there's also one in the french edition, with Uli Jon Roth telling his disgust for those provocative covers ;)
Even if I'm not offended by them, I can also understand Delize's point.

On a more musical point of view, my favorite Scorpions era is the 70s just like many of you. Why? 3 words : Uli Jon Roth.
I like quite a bit their later releases too but I think Scorpions had a more distinctive sound and songwriting when Uli was in the band. Too bad he left to pursue other musical interests, as he says in the RockHard interview that his best time in Scorpions was his final days during the japanese tour (recording the Tokyo Tapes live album), when the band was at its best on stage.
He even tells that his playing was better on the first date of this tour which was not recorded, only the later shows were put on tape... regrets, anyone? :rolleyes:
Hawk said:
Mmm seems to me they are giving the politicaly correct answers to the questions. Afraid to get into trouble?
I agree, I wonder how much a band has to say about the final product. Black Sabbath has claimed for years that the inverted cross inside their first album was a label decission. Now in this interview the Scorps try to washed their hands.

I don't know how many people make a fuzz when Led Zeppelin "Houses Of The Holy" came (have you seen the cover?), or when the movie of "The Song Remains The Same" (with the nude kids of Robert Plant running near the river) not to mention the nakes people in "Woodstock" (winner of the Oscar as best docummentary).

I can understand the censorship over the cover of "Virgin Killer" (although I don't share it. Considering the name of the album and the striking image of the cracked glass over the girls pubis, I believe it has a high impact and not on the sexual side, unless you are plain sick). But to censorship "In Trance" is just ludicrous.


Houses of The Holy cover


Virgin Killer