Thanks LePou & Onqel, means alot to me!
I'm a big fan of your work as well, and I can't say I've heard a single sample from the commercial ampsims
(except POD for djent) that would've come even close to the quality of what you have managed to accomplish this far!
Of course the sims are in another league from the real amps, but I'm still amazed how a plugin can sound
so much better than many hardware FX-pedals. That's why I sold my Zoom G9.2tt too.
I've heard often that people have wondered whether there will ever be a HM-2 sim..
AFAIK no-one haven't replicated it yet, but I think you could actually pull that off.
I think in a HM-2 sim, on/off button is all it needs, with the 'on button' simulating the settings as
all the knobs were maxed out. Haven't found use with other settings yet. I can send samples of the pedal
if either of you were ever to try and make one, cheers!