First test with Peavey Vypyr 30w


Mental Errorist
May 18, 2009
Hi guys, just got me a new toy to play with at home :loco:

I played awhile till something worth recording came up. The box is pretty versatile on tones (as expected),
but I was hoping it would sound abit better on rhythm department, but of course you can't expect too much
from such a cheap piece of equipment (no tubes), but I do like the clean and lead tones indeed!

I recorded a clip straight from 'Rec Out' since I wanted to know how's the IR inside the Vypyr.
I'm pretty sure it will sound alot better when I'll tweak it more and put a SM57 in front of it.

I used JSX + XXX amps in this clip, and noticed after recording that the guitars could've used some
more distortion (only at 12 o'clock) a tad more low-end, and also put the LP abit lower too.

Here's a clip for the curious ones :)

Cool, man! I just bought this same amp on saturday. Those JSX and XXX models get very very djenty.

Doesn't sound bad, but the speaker/mic sim in this thing isn't the best. I would definitely like to hear that with a real mic in front. :)
I recorded mine with a mic...the open back let's in a lot of roominess regardless of how loud you have it cranked. I had it in a pretty dead closet space had the mic and amp covered in blankets, and still couldn't get rid of the room sound. I'm pretty sure it's b/c of the open back. I'm thinking about modding mine so that I can connect it to external cab to see how it sounds through V30s.

Any bootup probs with your yet?
Thanks for listening guys :)

Yeah, the cab-sim could be better on this one, and since it's a modeling amp it should have a selection for cabs too.

Haven't tried miking yet, but if the room sound really gets too much in the way and no way around it, then maybe it's better not
record anything that requires tighter sounds. I was thinking of trying it later with a Celestion V30 since the open back makes it
an easy change. BTW.. did you try with the mic on the grill BrettT?

This thing is loud as hell, and probably the 15w version would've been just fine if you play it at home with low volumes.
I did read some reviews where some guys said that there's not much low-end and the 15w is farting too when cranking it abit.

I also heard about the boot problems, which I understood were caused by the room temperature being too low?? Anyways,
the dealer said to me that he thinks Peavey has sorted that thing out by now. I haven't come accross a single problem..yet..

I'll let you know if this thing breaks down or introduces any problems people considering buying this amp should know of :)
Thanks for listening guys :)

Yeah, the cab-sim could be better on this one, and since it's a modeling amp it should have a selection for cabs too.

Haven't tried miking yet, but if the room sound really gets too much in the way and no way around it, then maybe it's better not
record anything that requires tighter sounds. I was thinking of trying it later with a Celestion V30 since the open back makes it
an easy change. BTW.. did you try with the mic on the grill BrettT?

This thing is loud as hell, and probably the 15w version would've been just fine if you play it at home with low volumes.
I did read some reviews where some guys said that there's not much low-end and the 15w is farting too when cranking it abit.

I also heard about the boot problems, which I understood were caused by the room temperature being too low?? Anyways,
the dealer said to me that he thinks Peavey has sorted that thing out by now. I haven't come accross a single problem..yet..

I'll let you know if this thing breaks down or introduces any problems people considering buying this amp should know of :)

Mic was right on the grill and I had the amp cranked pretty damned loud. I have boot probs with mine on occasion, and it's definitely worse in colder temps. This is with the latest firmware.
Thanks for replies dudes!

I guess I'll just have to wait and see whether/when my unit will start to reject me.
I just got mine so there's still plenty of warranty to go with in case needed.

I think I'll try micing it after xmas and if I'll get anything near decent out of it,
I'll post the results here. If there's just too much room, then I could as well put up
some stonerish clip to show how much room there is when you don't want the room :loco:
