Hay guys! Made a song & would appreciate some thoughts song/mix wise :)


Mental Errorist
May 18, 2009
There is no much to tell!lol All sounds really good. Well the kick could be more fatter and less clicky and the snare seems to be far way in the mix, I would push her more forward, to give that "punch in you face" But that are just personal preferences. What did you used for guitars? Btw good music.
Thanks for listening Nuno :) I'm thinking abit the same about the kick, I put alot of OH and room on the snare on purpose

because I wanted it to sound somehow big without adding reverb. Guitars were TSE X30 this time, with the famous Ryan IR :)
Tune is cool. Mix is good generally. Same thoughts about the kick, too much up front. Guitars are really cool. What guitar/PU/strings/tuning did you use here? That ambient guitar at the end is a little too strong in the mids, hurts a little when played loud.
Overall me likes that. :kickass:

Thanks Shogger, I'm glad you liked it :) I recorded the gits with an old Tokai Custom Edition from 87' with EMG85 in the bridge
and Daddario's 12-54 strings in drop A tuning, going into Firestudio mobile pre.

I'll check later into the kick and also lessen the mids of the ambient git,
I'll wait first to see what else comes into mind, and fix later everything at the same time.

Thanks for the suggestions :)
what a fucking great song man :D
the X30 fits perfectly for that kind of music imo

mixwise +1 to everything nuno said
great stuff!
Thanks for listening Nuno :) I'm thinking abit the same about the kick, I put alot of OH and room on the snare on purpose

because I wanted it to sound somehow big without adding reverb. Guitars were TSE X30 this time, with the famous Ryan IR :)

TSE and ryan impluses are blessings for heavy music!:heh:
Awesome music, love it! A bit less click on kick like others already said and mix is perfect too.
I love the music!
Mix-wise this is really good but could be better. I'm not digging the snare :/ the closemic could use some more lows to help it 'pop' through more, while keeping the roominess (ala Come Clarity), but the mono room mic sounds like its EQ'd too much, just sounds weird and forced. Or maybe that's the close-mic? Dunno :/

Guitars sound really good but could use a touch more mids, and bring the click of the kick down a bit, and bring the cymbals down a bit(btw the cymbals sound fantastic! What program are you using? MF?)
Thanks for feedback guys, I'm glad you diggin this :)

I'm happy to be a part of this great forum because I've learned so much here after getting
into the world of digital recording some 2 years ago. Before that I didn't even know what HP/LP is, hehe!

I'll apply the tips I've got from you on drums later, which are all AD.

DreamNeonBlack or anyone who feels like throwing some vox for the fun of it, please do :)

I was thinking of some brutalish vox but not sure if they'd fit a slow song like this though?
Something like Carcass meets Tori Amos, haha!
Here's also a short history of me since Felix asked:

I was born in Denmark to a Finnish mother, after around 10 years mother took me and my brothers
to Finland to finish the school here. At the age of 25 I moved to Thailand, lived there for 5 years,
playing drums in bands, teaching guitar playing and studying English.

I've been back to Finland for few years now, loving the coldness here, especially this winter haha!

I've been over half of my life in Finland and love this country, but never really felt like home here.

I speak fluent Finnish, English & Thai. Have forgotten most of the Danish language already :(
I also know some Swedish and German since the Finnish school system forced me to study them, haha!

I missed playing metal music too much so I needed to come back to Finland since many of my friends here
are great musicians in that field. In Thailand there were not much opportunities other than Thai-rock.

Oh, and my Thai friends call me Somsak, but my birthname is Ronnie, and here's a pic of me and my Thai bro:


Nice to meet you :kickass:

I'm the pale one if you had any doubt, haha!

(gay outfit I know, but I guess it was cold and hot at the same time :loco:)
damn dude! sick song! mix is really good. i agree with nuno as well, the snare is distant and the kick could drop a little and maybe give it a little more room too. overall great work man! \m/
this f'n rocks dude! heavy as all hell, and very well put together riffs and song structure! Keep this coming man!!! i have no qualms about the mix...if the snare seems far away, it's probably what you you were going for ya know, but if the snare was completely dull, or had no punch, then i would say something, but i think everything sounds great, and every instrument is sitting beautifully in the mix where they should be! :rockin:

oh, and i posted you my bands full length in the Meshuggah thread for you, wondered if you might have seen it or checked it out! i'm definitely gonna keep tabs on your stuff dude! i really dig your style!
very cool track, but the guitars have a really weird honky yet dull and flat sound to them that just seems inherent in X30.
very cool track, but the guitars have a really weird honky yet dull and flat sound to them that just seems inherent in X30.

personally, and yes, i use an X3 and get that same "honky" sound, but i love it! that's half the reason why i use a POD X3, just to get that sound! granted, it was Tessearct, Meshuggah, and Bulb that inspired me to get one! but i really didn't notice it that much with this track, i wasn't even sure you were using a POD on this man! The tone is awesomely crisp imho! :worship:
personally, and yes, i use an X3 and get that same "honky" sound, but i love it! that's half the reason why i use a POD X3, just to get that sound! granted, it was Tessearct, Meshuggah, and Bulb that inspired me to get one! but i really didn't notice it that much with this track, i wasn't even sure you were using a POD on this man! The tone is awesomely crisp imho! :worship:

He wasn't talking about a POD. He was talking about the TSE X30, a free amp sim modeled after the Engl E-530 preamp, which is what the original poster used for the song...
He wasn't talking about a POD. He was talking about the TSE X30, a free amp sim modeled after the Engl E-530 preamp, which is what the original poster used for the song...

:loco: OooPs, my st00pid dude!
...i did mention that i didn't notice what it was he was talking about, cause i thought "it really doesn't sound like a POD to me," and it wasn't...so at least my ears did not decieve me, just my eyes...they saw an "X" and a "3" and jumped to a false conclusion. thanks for the clarification dude, and not being an uppity dick about it :p! i've been messing around with this LE456 free "engl" amp sim that is pretty cool. i have a test clip on my soundclick, it's the same one another member, Mattayus, has been using...But thing thing sounds friggin phenomenal, imho. gonna have to check it out! :kickass: