Hay guys, what's going on in this here forum?

JayKeeley said:
Has anybody ever missed the urinal on purpose?

the urinal is hard to miss as my dong dips in the water ... but the toilet ... yes, missed that on purpose a few times :loco:
my favorite thing is to piss on the guys foot in the stall whos not manly enough to piss in a urinal. however ive only done this to a friend, i dont feel like having to fend for myself when im that drunk.
lurch70 said:
the urinal is hard to miss as my dong dips in the water ... but the toilet .....
bwahahahaha! pics please.
errr....just kidding. please dont.
I remember at school when we used to soak a load of papertowels in the sink and then chuck them over the cubicle door at anyone taking a shit.

I don't get how people so casually have a bowel movement in a public smelly lavatory....I need my own bathroom, solitude, some music, a good book to read, head rest, scented candles, etc.
i can do it anywhere as long as its ready to come out. what i dont get is how people actually SIT on public toilet seats. i hover. a couple times my johnson flopped about and touched the seat. i came pretty close to crying both times.