Hay guyz, see you around.


Oblique and Nebulous
Nov 1, 2005
Lakewood, CO
I'm leaving for Amsterdam tomorrow morning to spend 3 1/2 days there, one of those days just happening to be New Year's Eve. We don't have a place to stay either so wish us luck. Hopefully coffee shops are open all night. :p

There can actually be a point to this thread, too. Who has anything at all to say to me about Amsterdam? Recommendations? How to stay out of serious trouble? ANYTHING useful from someone who has spent a bit of time there would be great.

L8ur guyz
forget the weed. hash hash HASH! there are shady dudes walking around everywhere offering you everything, but i dunno how likely you are to get ripped off. shormas are good, the chinese restaraunts are bad. also, HASH!!
wow you going to Netherlands :D well srry cant offer any sleeping places for the first reason i live on the other side of the country from where amsterdam is...although its just a 2-3hour drive, and you should buy your weed in the coffeeshop and not from the street :p ,

weed/ hasj tip

0.8/1.0 gr is about 6euro, dont buy the expensive shit its not worth it the cheaper stuff is good enough.

and im not very familiar with amsterdam i only went there for a dream theater show last year and im going to shop there next week but i think it wouldnt be a problem to get a place to sleep there HNY!