Jimmy... Dead.

contemplative curmudgeon
Feb 7, 2007
Planet Bullshit
What do you guys think of all the HD hype?

At first I didn't really care but when I went to my friends house and watched him play some ps3 on a 40" I was impressed.

I'm thinking about getting this Sony KDL-52XBR2 52" Bravia XBR 1080p LCD HDTV

Is it worth it?

I'm a bit sceptical.
HDTV is pretty nice, but remember that just having an HDTV doesn't put everything in high def. There are seperate channels for it, so you can only watch some things in high def.

The big networks all have HD feeds, as do ESPN, Discovery and all the premium channels. It's certainly worth it if you're a sports fan.
i like mine. when i first bought my 360 i had a generic TV and it was really dark and bland. when i bought my sony bravia, it was literally night and day. much clearer. worth the money i spent
It's worth it for sports and PBS programs. Most other networks really don't anything too great with it. The extra channels available to people like me without cable are a nice bonus too.

Holy shit. Old thread.
HD football is fucking sweet. I always go to my friends house on sundays. He has one of these:


That my friends, is 60 inches of HD heaven.