He is Legend - 91025

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
He is Legend – 91025
Tribunal Records - 2004
By Adam McAuley


It was somewhat difficult to sit through a band's material that portrays their members in a boy band type fashion on the band info, has an album title akin to Beverly Hills 90210 and is within a genre that I generally don't really enjoy. But I did just that, and 91025 turned out to be a decent little release.

He is Legend play metalcore that has very prominent hardcore and "emo" tendencies, not unlike what you might hear from a band such as Thursday. They attempt to give the album characteristic personality with some degree of success and give the impression that they really love performing this material. From the second track, "Scram Toots", alone you can gather a sweet, savoury style, despite the harsh vox that cover a large portion of the disc.

Some interesting diversions, like the jazzy and acoustic sections in highlight "Martini" spruce up the proceedings at times. I'm still left with a sort of unfulfilled feeling, however, both because I'm not particularly fond of some of the cleanly sung portions or the style in general, and because He is Legend don't seem to have quite reached their full potential. If you're a fan of metalcore bands like the aforementioned Thursday, though, this should be right up your alley.


Official Tribunal Records webpage