i like you matt but, for that symbiant...
Are you supporting Symbiant there? His pathetic attempt to "own" me?
I didn't think this was necessary but I guess I'll have to respond to it fully.
Im tired of your cocky arguments..
Cocky arguments? Such as? Please post examples of these "cocky arguments".
Personally your statements are stoopid and uncanny. I'm sorry man but you have no experience in anything. Prob just information that your daddy gives you.
a) Stoopid... right. I think everyone can take that seriously. Uncanny... Do you even know what the means?
The Dictionary said:
un·can·ny (n-kn)
adj. un·can·ni·er, un·can·ni·est
1. Peculiarly unsettling, as if of supernatural origin or nature; eerie. See Synonyms at weird.
2. So keen and perceptive as to seem preternatural.
Your accusation of "stoopid, uncanny" statements is bizarre. You're trying to insult my intelligence, because I disagree with you and prove you wrong? I don't even know where "uncanny" comes from, unless you're trying to compliment me as "keen and perceptive".
b) My dad doesn't know anything about music. Good try though! You claim I have no experience... That's funny because I could have sworn otherwise. I've been playing music for ~5 years, 3 of those have been with a gigging band. I've recorded two demos with bands, and two demos for my solo project. Not including bands I am in, I've produced two metal bands, a rock band, and a punk band. I don't have as much experience as a lot of people, but I'm hardly some bedroom hack.
Just like the bpm shit. hey man i can play guitar riffs at 400 bpm.
Ahh, the bpm argument again. Great.
Here's some simple math for you to work your head around. All these assume 4/4 time signature.
I play 16th notes ( 4 notes per beat, in case you need a little theory review ) at 100 bpm. This is the same thing as playing 8th notes at 200 bpm. Here's the proof:
4 notes per beat and 100 beats per minute = 400 notes per minute
2 notes per beat and 200 beats per minute = 400 notes per minute
So logically, you could play quarter notes ( 1 note per beat ), at 400bpm, and it'd be the exact same as the previous two examples.
Do you get it now? Or do you need me to draw you a picture?
I hate your shit. You are way to into yourself. get a life already.. you are not as good as you think and your guitar sound isn't all that great. get your ass out of your head smartass...
Ok let me try to approach this seriously...
Sorry, I just can't help myself. This is beyond crazy. You don't like my music? Ok! Fine with me. Why don't you, or more specifically, what don't you like about it? I appreciate constructive criticism, and if there's something you don't like about it I'd love to know so I could avoid making these mistakes again in the future.
As far as the rest of that quote is concerned... It appears to me you are just trying to say random things that are considered "insulting". Meanwhile you completely botch the whole process. "Get your ass out of your head!"?

Come on man, basic grasp of English. The phrase is, "Get your head out of your ass". "Get a life"? Pathetic.
Is that the best you can do? Some broken English and petty grade school insults? An empty jab at my music and production skills?
Get the fuck out of here. You're a joke.