Heading off to Headway


Man Behind The Curtain
Dec 26, 2002
I'm heading off to Amsterdam for some rest/relaxation...and the Headway Festival. I haven't had my Zero Hour or Redemption fix in awhile and I finally get to bow down at the feet of Morglbl Trio. :notworthy If you are attending the festival please say hello. I'll most likely have a Spiral Architect or Zero Hour t-shirt on.

While I'm gone the website will be fully functional and orders will continue to ship - I'm leaving everything in the capable hands of Jim Williamson. Got a beef? Take it up with him at sensorycd@aol.com but be careful...he's a big man.

I'll be back on Monday.

Ken Golden
I'm heading off to Amsterdam for some rest/relaxation...and the Headway Festival. I haven't had my Zero Hour or Redemption fix in awhile and I finally get to bow down at the feet of Morglbl Trio.

How about a review of the show, huh? Did you meet Christophe Godin? Although he is a stunning guitarist, those after a little more teeth in their music might look to some of his other bands like Metal Kartoon or Gno. Man, can he rip it up! For those who are unaware, look here: http://www.metalkartoon.com then look for the bobbling rabbit, click on it to get to the music files. Try Dance of the Fat Boy first!

cheers, weitrhino
Morglbl blew me away. Christophe was ridiculous - the whole band was actually. They were telepathic and made the whole set seem effortless. It was great to see how receptive the audience was to a heavy but non-metal band. The upcoming album is a killer as well.

Morglbl were amazing the band was so tight and musical; plus done with a tremendous sense of humour. Perhaps the best band of the weekend.
Other bands of note
Sun Caged The new vocailist really makes a big difference for me
Zero Hour were there usual self Chris seemed really moved by the whole experience and Jasun was his usual warm self to everyone. The audience was really into it as well. A powerful set that had me headbanging!
Dial were another suprise for me; a bit more atmospheric than everyone else. Strong vocals imagine a mixture of Pink Floyd Tori Amos Porcupine Tree and touches of Pain of Salvation
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum Visually interesting with some good ironic lyrics
Remdemption By this point I was really feeling the pace of 2 days of festive music, a great band and set
Ken it was nice chatting to you at the airport
Morglbl blew me away. Christophe was ridiculous - the whole band was actually. They were telepathic and made the whole set seem effortless. It was great to see how receptive the audience was to a heavy but non-metal band. The upcoming album is a killer as well.


Was he playing his yellow Vigier with the gold metal flake finish? And I have to agree about the new Morglbl CD being a killer. He gave me a pre-release master copy in January at the NAMM in LA and it's been a staple for me ever since....the best of their three discs by far IMHO.

There's going to be a new Morglbl Trio disc!!!!

Great news....

The last I heard it was supposed to be released this month, titled Grotesk. My copy has no album name and a different cover, but I think the running order is the same. Check out http://www.myspace.com/christophegodin for a new sample tune. But hear me now and believe me later, this CD smokes!

cheers, weitrhino