I'm heading off to Amsterdam for some rest/relaxation...and the Headway Festival. I haven't had my Zero Hour or Redemption fix in awhile and I finally get to bow down at the feet of Morglbl Trio.
If you are attending the festival please say hello. I'll most likely have a Spiral Architect or Zero Hour t-shirt on.
While I'm gone the website will be fully functional and orders will continue to ship - I'm leaving everything in the capable hands of Jim Williamson. Got a beef? Take it up with him at sensorycd@aol.com but be careful...he's a big man.
I'll be back on Monday.
Ken Golden

While I'm gone the website will be fully functional and orders will continue to ship - I'm leaving everything in the capable hands of Jim Williamson. Got a beef? Take it up with him at sensorycd@aol.com but be careful...he's a big man.
I'll be back on Monday.
Ken Golden