Heading out for TSO!


Sep 21, 2004
Just wanted to let you all know we are heading out for the first show of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra tour for this year. A little early for Christmas music, but I wouldn't miss them no matter when they came through. It really is a great show. We have seen them three other times and each time they were awesome. I'll give a review later.
Ow , thought you were heading towards Trans Siberian Outcast :)
Enjoy and let us know how things were there !!
Well, all I have to say is WOW! What a great show! This was the fourth time seeing them, but it was still outstanding and one of the best shows you can ever see. I didn't think they could add more lights, lasers, and pyro, but they did. You truely get your moneys worth for this concert. I'll admit it was hard to get into the Christmas spirit on November 6th, but it didn't take long to change that once they started playing. I'll say this again...if they come anywhere near you, GO SEE THEM!!! And make sure you don't leave early!

It was the first night of the tour and it they played great. We got the west touring group again. Al Pitrelli was the leader. The musicians were outstanding, the singers were unbelievable, and the light/laser show is something that needs to be seen by everybody. Paul O'neil was there and he pulled the Mountain King on stage for a bit. Most of his family was there, Paul's family, Jane Pitrelli (Al's wife) is from Lakeland, so her family was there. It was like a hometown show for alot of them. Plus you had Johnny Lee Middleton on bass. They did the Christmas Eve and other stories album and then did some stuff off of the other albums. Plus some new songs. They threw in 'Rock n' Roll' by Zeppelin, the 'Nutrocker' by ELP, and I think they were doing a strange version of 'One Of These Days' by Floyd at one point. Not sure about that, but it kind of sounded like it to me.

Again, great show, go see them if they are near you. You will not be disappointed. This pretty much sums up what I think about TSO live...:worship: :worship: :worship:
carnut said:
Ow , thought you were heading towards Trans Siberian Outcast :)
Enjoy and let us know how things were there !!
First thing I though when I saw the thread title...SavaRon is coming to visit me in Arizona? Cool!

That's great Ron, glad you had a blast at the show. You get so much more than the rest of us, being in Florida and all. Ain't no way I'll ever see Paul O'Neill or the Mountain King out here in the southwestern desert! I've never seen the east coast tour, probably never will, but I've always enjoyed to west tour just fine. Is Anna Phoebe still on the west tour? Last year she was moshing while performing a killer solo on her pink violin! It was FANTASTIC!
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
First thing I though when I saw the thread title...SavaRon is coming to visit me in Arizona? Cool!

That's great Ron, glad you had a blast at the show. You get so much more than the rest of us, being in Florida and all. Ain't no way I'll ever see Paul O'Neill or the Mountain King out here in the southwestern desert! I've never seen the east coast tour, probably never will, but I've always enjoyed to west tour just fine. Is Anna Phoebe still on the west tour? Last year she was moshing while performing a killer solo on her pink violin! It was FANTASTIC!

Yeah, she's still with the west coast crew and she was head-banging as well. Her and Angus Clark even came out in the crowd at the end of the show and got on a platform that rose up in the air by the sound board. Pretty wild! I think the west coast gets the better singers myself. Michael Lanning, Tommy Farese and the guy who sings 'Old City Bar'. (name escapes me right now). Plus the blonde chick (Jill I think) has one of the most powerful voices I've ever heard. Every year I see this show they add more and more. We missed it last year because they didn't make it down to Florida. I was very happy they came back this year.
Angus came into the crowd last year but there wan't no risin' platform! Sounds like they've stepped it up again this year. Now I just need to find someone to go with....

Like I said, I've never seen the East tour but I'm perfectly happy with the West tour. If we've got the better singers, I'll have to take your word on that. And I ain't gonna complain!