
Jun 8, 2007
Port orange, Florida
hey i've decided that its probably not worth it to go to SOTU to watch 1 band worthy of my time play 5-6 songs. can i be sure they will tour the U.S. again after SOTU in support of WOOS?
Rumors are all I've heard so far, but I'm hoping they will do a second winter tour of North America. I know there's a lot of people they aren't getting anywhere near on the SOTU tour.
i cant beleive Amon amarth are playing with such a shitty line up. the only 2 other bands on there that'd i'd be going to see are Behemoth & Testament.

Never the less, if i was able to attend this festival just to see AA play a few songs, i'd fucken be there.
the problem is this. i was planning on attending SOTU in spite of the shitty lineup. but vital remains just posted a u.s. tour and they come to my area 1 day before SOTU and i would be lucky to scrape enough cash together to see 1 of those. :cry:
I'd go to the sound of the Underground just to see Amon Amarth as well. But the thins is, on top of the price, the shitty bands, and the wannabees that the other bands would atract, I live in CT and the closest show is Jersy. I don't understand why they're skipping NY and Boston, there's plenty of wannabees there.

I'd love to see Amon Amarth by themselves though! Unfortunetely they proboably wouldn't change the stage like they did in the Wrath of the Norsemen if they did a concert in the US, but it'd still be fun to see them. I'd pay good money for that!