Headlining US tour song wishlist / actual setlist


Here is Nowhere
May 13, 2007
So I heard the band likes input from the fans on what to play on their tours, so here is a thread to let them know! I will put in my requests in later since I am at work and don't have the time to do it now. Also, when they finally come over shores post what they played when you saw them. :kickass:
Runes To My Memory
Pursuit Of Vikings
Under The Northern Star
Cry Of The Black Birds
Vs The World
The Last With Pagan Blood
The Fate Of Norns
Risen From The Sea
I’d most like to hear “Where Silent Gods Stand Guard” and “Hermod's Ride To Hel-Lokes Treachery Part 1”.

Those songs included in a full set of AA would make me a very happy man.
we all know how the requests are going to go, new fans will want recent stuff and the older ones older, mine is a bit more generic

since it's their fist true headling tour and they won't be playing to those that never heard of them before I hope they show more their discography by playing 3 songs from the first and last album and 2 songs each from all others, actually I don't care much for FoN so you can play none from that and play one/two more from any other albums
They have played enough here in all the SOTU shitty tour to please all the kids, so now, they better play some old stuff from OSFTGH, Sorrow and Crusher albums.

Furthermore, Belgar would like to claim that he is a long time AA drunk ass redneck fan ... I have the proof here in 1998 during their first Euro tour I want them to play Victorious March and another one off the OSFTGH album ... Amon Amarth or Ride for Vengeance ... how about they change their set list instead of always playing the same stuff everywhere.
Don't force me to get angry or ... you know, I might wear that same shirt again and have Oli tell me that I keep wearing the same shirt at every one of their show.

They can play almost every track from "With Oden by our side"

Bastards of a lying breed, fate of norns, death in a fire, victorious march, arson, pursuit of vikings!
Hell, I can't decide. I really would like to hear 'Across the Rainbow Bridge' live, that end part just has a sick pit groove. Tho what I'd really like is to hear it all live, lol. Fuck the opening bands, no one really wants to see them anyway.
Ok this going to be hard to choose but here is what I came up with:

Valhall Awaits Me (blasting opener)
Hermods Ride To Hell
Runes to my Memory
Once Sealed In Blood
Dragons Flight Across the Waves
Across the Rainbow Bridge
Pursuit of Vikings
The Fate of Norns
Under the Northern Star
With Oden on Our Side
Death in Fire
Thousand Years of Opression
Gods of War Arise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (They better play it) :o

Really anything, I love it all. The more songs the better!
why would you want them to play Fate of Nortn or Pursuit of Vikings, they played those songs nearly a thousand times in the last 3 years, even in States. your selection lacks picks from first couple of albums

anyhow, the guys will play whatever they want to play even though they may ask for some input, just to be nice ;)

Ok this going to be hard to choose but here is what I came up with:

Valhall Awaits Me (blasting opener)
Hermods Ride To Hell
Runes to my Memory
Once Sealed In Blood
Dragons Flight Across the Waves
Across the Rainbow Bridge
Pursuit of Vikings
The Fate of Norns
Under the Northern Star
With Oden on Our Side
Death in Fire
Thousand Years of Opression
Gods of War Arise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (They better play it) :o

Really anything, I love it all. The more songs the better!
It would be real nice if they could throw in some old demo stuff like Burning Creation, Sorrow Throughout the Nine Worlds, The Arrival of the Fimbul Winter or The Mighty Doors of the Speargod's Hal. Not saying all of them but maybe like one here or there, hopefully enough screaming at the show will inspire an old song.
It is clear to me that if they play Hermod's ride to Hel in montreal i would be utterly happy, it would be the best christmas gift i could ever ask for (since they are supposed to come by december)
1000years of oppression is highly requirered, if i can get berzerk those rare times, this is my song
under the northern star
the sound of 8 hooves i rly want to hear live
sorrow throughout the nine worlds
runes to my memory
arson, i love the blowing horn :P
followed by once sealed in blood :D
and soon the world will cease to be
arrival of the fimbul winter
valkyries ride
an ancient sing of coming storm
pursuit of vikings

hel.. theres too much i want to hear :(
why would you want them to play Fate of Nortn or Pursuit of Vikings, they played those songs nearly a thousand times in the last 3 years, even in States. your selection lacks picks from first couple of albums

anyhow, the guys will play whatever they want to play even though they may ask for some input, just to be nice ;)

I know whatever they will play what they want, I don't believe what I put up here they would even take consideration but thats why topic says wishlist. I really like Fate of Norns, everyone has different tastes though. Only reason I don't have much from first couple albums is only because I don't know it as well. I own the discography but haven't listened to the first three albums as much.
When they come to Orlando I want to hear anything from Sorrow Through the Nine Worlds, Once Sent from the Golden Hall, and/or Versus the World.

I saw them in Iceland back in 2004 and for the life of me, I cannot remember anything ( thank you Tuborg!) so bring it on in Florida!

Anything will be great. Ill add it to this years concerts of Cannibal Corpse, Gojira, and Behemoth.
I hope they play something else ... now that they headline, I just don't want to hear the same setlist that they have had to play in their past US and Euro tours.
As headliner, they have room for what? 12-13 songs? that's 2 per album and should be enough to make all fans happy. I just hope they can suprise us and not be a "ah yeah, I knew that song was coming" type of feeling.
I hope they play something else ... now that they headline, I just don't want to hear the same setlist that they have had to play in their past US and Euro tours.
As headliner, they have room for what? 12-13 songs? that's 2 per album and should be enough to make all fans happy. I just hope they can suprise us and not be a "ah yeah, I knew that song was coming" type of feeling.

i wouldnt mind the feeling, maybe just because i havent seen them as much as you, or simply because im still happy to hear those song again and again. But anyway, i have confidence they will deliver us something great only they can deliver on stage, so im not worried at all :)