Amon Amarth to embark on FIRST EVER Headlining tour of US with DECAPITATED in NOV!

Knarfi, how can they HEADline, when they're decapitated, huh? Are you Norwegian or something? :goggly:

Hahahaha! I wish I was Norweigan too. America sucks.

Anyway, I really hope I can make it to this show. And it's about time that they toured in the US without carrying shitty metalcore bands around with them. And Decapitated is just as awesome. Ok, that's a lie, but Decapitated is a pretty amazing band too. They better have a show in Hartford, because there's no way I can find away to go to Boston or NY to see them. Unless I make freinds with the spoiled metalcore kids, but I prefer not to mooch.

Rock on :rock:
Completely sucks that had to deal with shit hardcore bands and not get to see a full decapitated set that i CAME to fuckin see. Necrophagist were good though but still cut the fuckin shit bands out and let Decap get their full set and they wouldn't have had to worry bout Necro's set goin over time.

Yeah, I went to see Necrophagist and Decapitated in Cleveland. Necrophagist had a ridiculously long drum solo that wasted so much time it wasn't funny. I wanted to see both bands play older stuff, but didn't get much. I got to see Spheres of Madness from Decapitated and a few songs off of Necro's first album. Overall it was a good show and Necrophagist had a flawless performance as usual.
Also from
Rumors are currently circulating that DECAPITATED will be supporting AMON AMARTH on the band’s previously announced headlining North American tour, which is expected to kick off in November. More details, including tour dates, are expected to be released shortly.

I just hope it's early November so I can follow them around for a while. Working retail and trying to see shows in December blows, and they always come over here at that time of year. `
God I fucking hope this rumor is true. I just saw them @ SOTU this week. They where awesome of course. But every other band sucked so fucking bad it was rediculious. 90% of the crowd was emo hipsters and scenester 17 year olds, ugh. Some little punk actually talked shit about my Amon Amarth tshirt when I walked by him "You don't even like that band!". I turned around and asked him if he was fucking serious and he didn't say shit. Mother fuckers! For the love of all that is evil give AA a headlining tour in the US!
i'd rather it be decap headlining, nothing against AA but decap hasnt gotten recognition lately, i mean necrophagist is my favorite band of all time, but decap has been around way longer and has put out way more shit, they should've headlined just for sheer experience. i guess the fanbase isnt big? who knows, doesnt matter cuz i met the bassist and drummer from decap so augh pwn3z 1ll pr0babl3y n3v34 c0m3 baccK t2 y00r f0rum!1 s0 bikthxbiktxhbi
Knarfi i asked Vogg after the set last night and i was like wow so Amon Amarth is gonna be headlining? and he was like well it'd be awesome if we were headlining but since it's only us 2 i'm pretty sure they'd be headlining since they are bigger then us here right now. Decapitated's set got cut in half though. Completely sucks that had to deal with shit hardcore bands and not get to see a full decapitated set that i CAME to fuckin see. Necrophagist were good though but still cut the fuckin shit bands out and let Decap get their full set and they wouldn't have had to worry bout Necro's set goin over time.
Fucking tell me about it, first half of the show pure shit with core bands, but the second half made up for it :rock: This is so fucking awesome, i hope it's true, i'll buy my ticket ASAP. I don't want to go to SOTU to see them play a few songs and put up with more crap bands i want to blow my brains out.
I just came back from the Sounds Of The Underground show here in NJ!

The whole show was OK, except for Amon Amarth! They were awesome!

First time I see them. I've liked them for a while, but never had the chance to see them live. Boy, what I was missing...

Great show, lots of energy, can't wait for them to come back anywhere within 200 miles from home!

Oh, best part of the day...

I saw the guys a few hours later, next to the parking lot, and got their autographs... (I kind of felt bad bothering them, but I HAD NO CHOICE)
I assume that dates will be posted in this thread by someone once they're announced, but I'd like to remind everyone, please share with us if you get the dates before the rest of us!

I'm going to be pissed as fuck if another tour that I want to see skips Hartford!