AMON AMARTH Launch Exclusive Website In Support Of New Album

Still no sight of the comics online, but when I was waiting for the bus I popped into the shop I saw Terroriser had the first part of the comic in their June issue. So I bought it. It is absolutely amazing artwork.

The cheap bastards at the magazine are printing it two pages at a time, so I will have to buy 4 issues and wait 4 months to have it in paper (sorry, Im old-fashioned, I have a big collection of graphic novels and comics, and I like owning hard copies rather than reading them online)

Chances are it may not be uploaded online until the last mag that carries it has published the complete thing... :waah:
Are there any mags in the U.S. carrying the comic? I may have to subscribe to MetalHammer UK.

Go to a big newsagent or decent music shop and you should have at least one of the above.:u-huh: I guess... I dont know how easy it is to get foreign press down your way.

I got an odd look when I bought it, I also bought Le Monde Diplomatique at the same time. Light and heavy reading, I enjoy my contradictions.