Hear the new Nightwish vocalist

It repeats if you leave it so I heard this segment like 20x already while downstairs. The voice isn't ringing any bells. Of course they don't give you much to go on.
After taking that clip and running it thru a voice analyzer, and then comparing it to other voice sample analysis that i have done. I am pleased to announce i can finally say I know who the new NIGHTWISH singer is!!!!!
It's none other than.......................................................................

J-Dubya in drag!!!!!!!!!!!
her voice is soothing...but what happens when the song demands powerful vocals?
After taking that clip and running it thru a voice analyzer, and then comparing it to other voice sample analysis that i have done. I am pleased to announce i can finally say I know who the new NIGHTWISH singer is!!!!!
It's none other than.......................................................................

J-Dubya in drag!!!!!!!!!!!
Colleen Gray? :) I got news for you, if it Nicole Bugner, then we (the members and Officers at the time) at Oceansouls of America will look like geniuses because we (OSA) called exactly that on October 22, 2005! :headbang:
Sounds rather like a plain good singer. I'm not sure that's what Nightwish needs unless they want to be within after forever epica edenbridge. Hey, it's a 25 second sample, so I guess we'll see.
Oh that voice does sound familiar. Beautiful I might add. As for the music, wasn't enough to go on, but it seems to be heading somewhere...
Got it! Not terrible at all, but we'll have to see about the song. Did we know it would be a ballad?

Glenn, how'd you get this? Am I missing something?
BTW, this probably is real. The Nightwish.com site is threatening to ban anyone who even mentions the link.
On a similar note, did anyone else read Once Upon a Nightwish? It was a great book (I even got mentioned!). The journalist was truly objective and spread the blame around to all parties to a certain extent. However, Marcelo and Tarja came out smelling like a horses' ass compared to the others.
Pretty voice, but not strong enough on sample to sing what Tarja can sing. She can sing Within Temptation, but maybe not Nightwish.