hearing clean guitar along with plugin while using di's.


Feb 27, 2010
have a bit of a problem, using sonar 7 i'm trying to use a plugin on a guitar DI (well a few actually). The chain is TSS, NickCrowe8505 and guitarhack impulses all added as fx on the channel. When i hit play, I can hear back both the effected sound and clean sound. Any ideas why?
Is your guitar track in mono or stereo? I had a problem like this once and I realized the guitar track I had was recorded in stereo by accident, not mono. I was using SIR to load the impulses, and it ended up with the left channel being processed but the right was unprocessed. Then I re did it with the DI in mono and it was fine.
So maybe give that a try!
It may be your interface inner routing that is set to route audio from your input to the output directly, offline. Do you hear your guitar DI when your DAW is not open ? If yes you have to disable it, so that you hear only the DAW output through your physical out.
Is your guitar track in mono or stereo? I had a problem like this once and I realized the guitar track I had was recorded in stereo by accident, not mono. I was using SIR to load the impulses, and it ended up with the left channel being processed but the right was unprocessed. Then I re did it with the DI in mono and it was fine.
So maybe give that a try!

Nope recorded in Mono.

LeSedna - nope nothing unless sonar is open
just making sure you are using the plugins on the channel insert, not to say a bus?

yup, im stumped by it tbh, never happened before but not its happening with all my ampsims, 8505, whiteamp, greenamp (can't remember the makes). almost like even with the effect set to 100%mix its only coming through at 75 or 80% if that makes sense. I'll try it with some non guitar fx to see, something like delay as at 100% that should be easiest to hear.