
You being banned over 9000 times doesnt earn you much more respect than someone with a late joindate.

(fuck, nice sentence :lol:)
1) i don't give a shit about people around here (except three or four posters)

2) i dont want his respect... i couldn't care less. i was just quoting the part were he says he's new. that's all.

3) i have been banned so many times thanks to the pathetic mods we have over here. with serious mods, i would have been banned once (or maybe, twice)

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1) i don't give a shit about people around here (except three or four posters)

2) i dont want his respect... i couldn't care less. i was just quoting the part were he says he's new. that's all.

3) i have been banned so many times thanks to the pathetic mods we have over here. with serious mods, i would have been banned once (or maybe, twice)

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:lol: I know? I dont care :lol: im not even flaming you dude :lol: calm down