Heaven & Hell roll call

Yep. An 8:00 pm start time would have been much better than 7:00. :mad:

I hate it when they can't stick to the original times. When my friends saw Maiden in London last year, they turned up at 7.30pm cos that's what it said on the ticket to find out they'd missed Lauren Harris AND Trivium and were only just in time for Maiden. They were well pissed off to say the least.
I hate it when they can't stick to the original times. When my friends saw Maiden in London last year, they turned up at 7.30pm cos that's what it said on the ticket to find out they'd missed Lauren Harris AND Trivium and were only just in time for Maiden. They were well pissed off to say the least.

7:00 was the time on the ticket..Arch thought 8:00, but I don't know why.

I don't get off work until 5:30, then a half hour home, then off to the show. Had we not drank a couple beers in the parking lot, we would have seen most or all of Megadeth. Machine Head must of had a very short set and not much time in between sets either. But that's ok..I've seen Megadeth over a dozen times, so I only missed hearing 'Sleepwalker' that I haven't heard before.
Broomfield Event Center, Broomfield CO (just NW of Denver) Sunday, April 29!

Got great seats: Vinnie level, Geezer's side, about 20 feet back from the front of the stage. I've seen Sabbath and Dio several times each, but never Sabbath with Dio!! :notworthy Can't wait!! And as huge of a Megadeth fan as I am, I've never seen them... the circumstances have never come together right. Just saw the Maidens for the first time on Thursday and get to see this show on Sunday -- it's a banner week in Iron Jeff's little World o' Metal!! :rock:
Same for me. Was great to finally see them together the other night.

Have a great time at the show! :kickass:

Thanks, Puckfiend! My bro and some old school metal friends are all going, so it should be great. And after the Avs worst season ever:zombie: , we really needed a show of this quality! Hopefully this summer will help us forget. Rush at Red Rocks should help!

Rock on!
You didn't have your red shirt on!? :lol:

I was bummed about the show starting early! The tickets said 8:00pm! They obviously must have started it at 7:00pm :(

Yeah, that sucked. My work kept me at work so late that I didn't have time to run home and for the Red Shirt and Patron. Instead I had called my bro and he said he'd pick up the tequilla. I think we arrived into the parking lot at about 7 or maybe a few minutes earlier. But, we did meet you all in the parking lot which was cool. Tip some beer, some shots, and some stories along with the tunes in the background. You think you guys got in late, shesh, when we got in we were really suprised because it was Dio's voice we were hearing. OMG! F@#!!! I was pissed (more like pissed drunk-hehehe) that we missed Megadeth. Oh well, I have seen them a few times before so it's not that bad I guess.

So, did any of the Maidens make it to the show? Howz bout Sara? Howz that foot treatin ya??
It was a fun night wensday but would have been a better night last night in SD if we would have known that the backstage passes a buddy gave us was for after the show and he had to be with us, so they wouldn't let us in....But the show in SD was just like the one at the Forum. this time got to see Machine Head and I'm sorry Metallicat... I did not like them what so ever. But the rest was great...
It was a fun night wensday but would have been a better night last night in SD if we would have known that the backstage passes a buddy gave us was for after the show and he had to be with us, so they wouldn't let us in....But the show in SD was just like the one at the Forum. this time got to see Machine Head and I'm sorry Metallicat... I did not like them what so ever. But the rest was great...

I'm not into Machine Head either - cookie monster vocals in any band ain't my thing, but each to their own. I caught their set, where he went off on the guy for throwing something or whatever it was.

Megadeth kicked ass, I only wish they'd played A Tout Le Monde ;p I saw Asterothe at the show in the pit in front of us where we waved widly at one another lol
It was a fun night wensday but would have been a better night last night in SD if we would have known that the backstage passes a buddy gave us was for after the show and he had to be with us, so they wouldn't let us in....But the show in SD was just like the one at the Forum. this time got to see Machine Head and I'm sorry Metallicat... I did not like them what so ever. But the rest was great...

It's all good, can't please everyone! Machine Head are as "cookie monster" as I go, I much prefer a melodic growl ala James Hetfield, John Bush etc.













Ronnie James is an awesome singer, right up there with Bruce Bruce.

Yeah, it is nice to see him back with Sabbath. As far as I am concerned: Back home where he is suppose to be. Either with Sabbath or with Rainbow.

It would be cool to see a Ritchie Blackmore Rainbow reunion with Ronnie James singing in that band again.

I am glad that MegadetH is opening up for Sabbath. A lot of people are flocking to these concerts and that gives Dave and the guys a lot of new fans.

This is kind-of an OzzFest or Gigantour just by itself, sort-of.