Heavenly for PP7

Heavenly underwent the same thing that Angra did... 3 members left the band, but the singer and the guitarist (i think) stayed on the band and found new members...

They're 2 latest albums are really good!
Totally, Heavenly sounds like German Power Metal (my fave), but is from France I believe. I would love to see Heavenly play in a 1 or 2 slot.
I actually sent them an email a couple of months ago, the guitarist told me that they really want to come to the US but wanted to get the new line up ready and maybe record a new album first..so lets see what happens.

by the way, that new band those guys have(the ones that left) really, really sucks..
Since Last year i've been requesting for DragonForce & Heavenly. Dust to Dust it's an amazing album i love it ! unfortunately the band has had problems some problems wih the line up, but any way its a great option to PPVII
oh, man... I don't usually make comments like this about people's choices... but I can't help it in this case. Heavenly sucks SOOOOOOOO much ass... I can't f***ing stand them...
Absolutely amazing band; i was lucky enough to catch them at Wacken a few years back. They put on an incredible live show! All of their releases are solid, and Dust to Dust is simply incredible...
edgeofthorns said:
Dust to Dust is an insane disc! Hopefully, they can maintain that sound or better it with the new lineup.

You've come a long way my young apprentice ! :dopey:
Heavenly would truly be heavenly. They have been one of those bands that I have thought so highly of for so many years, but figured would never be lucky enough to ever see them live. Of course, I felt that same way about Therion and look where we are now! someday...someday.
Heavenly is one of the top bands I'd like to see at PP, and have thought that for years now. Another band I'd love to see, and I know wants to play PPUSA is Wolverine.
Eh... not the most exciting prospect to me. And I'm a big fan of European power metal.

I got the first Heavenly album some years back (because of the Kai Hansen related hype), but it was so lackluster that I never had any desire to check out their later stuff, even though some of that got some better reviews.