Heavy Hood Mix

You mic bass amps? I've never done that actually, I've always done DI

I rarely do it since i don't own a bass rig, and bands usually dont have good bass gear.
Isn't it the "proper" way to record bass though?

oh yeah...blah blah blah SSL yada yada yada

Sounds HUGE! :O

What's your vocal chain, if I may ask?

It hasn't changed much over the months. Shure SM7b>API A2D>Shit ton of compression>desser>High pass
All the vox are sent to a bus with another compressor to even out the volumes of the layered vocals, but the compressor is doing like -4 or -5db max gain reduction.

Loving the vibe on this mix Brian, the 5150 sounds spot on in this mix and the vocals gel perfect.

Can you share any details on the vocal part at :46 seconds. Sounds double tracked panned left and right with some sort of effect.

The center vocal has the sansamp plugin that comes with pro tools 8. I dont remember the settings, but they were pretty extreme(lots of gain). The left and right vocals have the Air Vintage filter with the HP setting.

I like these guys just because of the music they put at :38!!

they were obsessed with that band/mix hahaha
great job btw!

What verb are you using on the drums?

I actually didn't use verb for this band. It's all just done with the slate room samples. The toms are actually the z4 concrete room samples lol

hahah hd212 love those phones

HD212 pro
hahaha as if they were actually "pro". I just use them to hear the "detailed" parts, and it's easier to tell when the guitar player messes up while tracking. I dont mix with them

dude...i can't get enough of your 5150 tone!!! it always fits perfect...HOW DO ¯(°_o)/¯??

Do you still have the original tubes in it?

definitely not. I replaced them november of last year. www.eurotubes.com
It's the standard 5150 retube kit.

As for the tone, i think it's the mic position and speaker choice more than anything. Anywhere on the other 3 speakers sounds terrible to me. any other position on the speaker im using right now sounds pretty bad too.
d00d brian can you do a before and after with your api? i really wana hear the diffrence because i am proably going to be buying one soon
d00d brian can you do a before and after with your api? i really wana hear the diffrence because i am proably going to be buying one soon

to be 100% honest with you, i can tell absolutely no audible difference between an API pre and 003 pre when working with distorted guitars. I'm sure there is some technical difference, and it may make a difference in the over sound in the mix, but not to my ears.

there is a slight noticeable difference with vocals, but still nothing that is "night and day".
Doesn't the band introduce the vocalist as a guy from Acacia Strain at the beginning of the video? Definitely does not look like he's only 15. Awesome mix...horrible music. :D
to be 100% honest with you, i can tell absolutely no audible difference between an API pre and 003 pre when working with distorted guitars. I'm sure there is some technical difference, and it may make a difference in the over sound in the mix, but not to my ears.

there is a slight noticeable difference with vocals, but still nothing that is "night and day".

hmmmmmmmmmmm.. eye opening. Not to get off topic but just out of curiosity what would you say is your must for vocals? I mean i have been following your work for a long time and i never heard bad vocals from you to be honest, some better than others but in all good!
hmmmmmmmmmmm.. eye opening. Not to get off topic but just out of curiosity what would you say is your must for vocals? I mean i have been following your work for a long time and i never heard bad vocals from you to be honest, some better than others but in all good!

i'm sure people could argue all day about gear, but it made very little difference in my opinion. My A2D actually crapped out earlier this year and i went quite a while without it until i recently got it repaired. The mixes i did while using the 003 to track sounded fine to my ears haha.