Heavy tone I posted before in a mix. Opinions?


Sep 8, 2005
Ok, I posted this exact tone awhile ago without a mix. It was 4 tracks mixed and some liked it and some didn't. Whaddaya think of it in this mix? Are the drums too loud? Bass too loud? Thanks...

Heavy Tone in mix

Oh yeah... I know no drummer would ever play this...

Drums sound very very strange being that quick, i think a straight forward and slow kick snare kick snare beat would work better but keep the pulsing effect you've got going on the drums, overall the tone is nice
Thanks for listening to this. The drumming on this is by a guy named Derek Roddy who is just insane. A guy on another forum posted a stereo drum track of him playing Morbid Angel's "Rapture" and I just cut and pasted sections to (kind of) fit what I wrote. It won't be the final drum track, I just wanted to see how this guitar tone would sit in a mix with real drums and a bass track...
