Heelo,is steven slate LE enough for metaldrums?


Jul 23, 2008
Hello there is steven slate LE enough for metal drums or do i need to buy the platinum version?
Does the LE version have enough metal kicks and snares,cymbals toms etc?
hey man, i got the le about a month ago, but due to studies have not been 2 in depth with it, but from my experience its quite great and i would definitely say enough to get you started, you might not ever want the platinum:flame:
Any rock kit is a potential metal kit. It's the eq'ing that's making the difference.

Bingo. If you took my kick 6 which is a felty thuddy kick and ran it through an eq with +8 at 8khz, -5 at 400Hz, it'll probably start sounding metal.

Having said that, on LE I've done a lot of this work for you and it offers Kick 5which is a super clicky yet thick sounding metal kick, as well as the dream kick which has a nice gnarly chesty thump, and of course the Metallica Kick which has some massive top and bottom end.. ok maybe always the best alone but mixed with kick5 its massive for metal.

So yeah you'll be cool with LE..
thx,for the answers.
Are the drumagog samples exact the same as the drumkits,or are there even more on it?
Hey Slate,
I got my LE yesterday and goddamn am I loving it!! Just wanted to say thanks for the great work and effort that was very obviously put into this great product. By any chance would you happen to remember which drums were used for the paramore cover (gah..never thought id mention that band on this forum lol) that's on your page? I am recording a few bands that are a bit more pop rock and those seem like they'd do perfectly.

Thanks again!