Heh, this is funny!

bwahaha! wierd. are they really called YPAHMTS? thats awesome. i hate josh mcdowell too (dont ask why i know who this is). I will grant that i dont think theres a thing wrong with trying to promote "morals" and ethical behavior but i cant stand it when neo-christians (or anyone else) try to claim that immoral behavior is new or is a result of some cultural phenomenon. i really wish the religious right would just realize that humans are fucking violent and evil and it has nothing to do with metal or mtv or video games or homosexuality or satan worship or whatever.
but, YPAHMTS? haha! im getting the bumper sticker.
Oh, and I rather liked this story.....

Norfolk Eastern Daily Press is reporting that a British man who wore a heavy metal band T-shirt bearing a sacrilegious slogan today (March 11) cried in court as a judge allowed him to walk free but told him to "grow up."

Dale Wilson, of Northfields, Norwich, was arrested on Halloween by two police officers in The Avenues as he walked to a local shop wearing a T-shirt promoting Ipswich band CRADLE OF FILTH.

The front of the T-shirt showed a sexual image of a nun and an offensive reference to Jesus ("Jesus Is A Cunt") was written across the back.

Wilson, who pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing to religiously aggravated offensive conduct and carrying a knife, was given a complete discharge after Norwich Crown Court heard the unemployed 35-year-old had been distressed by the proceedings.

Prosecutor Stephen Poole said: "Wilson was walking along The Avenues and looked somewhat agitated by the presence of a marked police car. They stopped him and found a knife in his pocket and became aware of the offensive T-shirt."

Michael Clare told the court in mitigation that Wilson "appears in court as something of a mess and has learnt his lesson in having to come here."

Judge Roderick Newton described Wilson's action as "wholly unacceptable" adding: "It simply won't do, wearing a T-shirt which would be offensive to anyone regardless of whether or not they are religious.

"But I can see you have learnt your lesson and will take an extremely unusual course of action by discharging you. Don't do it again — you must grow up."

Wilson, who has previous convictions including drug and dishonesty offences, was ordered to pay £150 costs (approximately $290).

The judge ordered the destruction of the T-shirt and knife.
that pussy cried??? well, he did listen to CoF, so no suprise there.

However, just because of that brat mentioned in the link, I'm going to wear ALL my metal shirts EVEN MORE.
this thread has given me cause to wear metal shirts more often.

"dont wear anything offensive to anyone"? wtf is that. oh sorry, i guess i'll go stark ass naked.
Interesting. I'm not regligious but I don't think I'd ever go around wearing a 'jesus is a cunt' shirt. Not because I find it offensive, but perhaps more so because it would make me look like an idiot...
^100% agreed. i saw a couple in Target recently who were Cradle of Filth fans. I didn't find them offensive at all, but rather, i felt embarrased for them.
Here's to being free, but also having the capacity for self-respect. *toasts*
haha that is hilarious, wow...that's pretty outrageous, yeah, social problems are definitely not caused by widespread poverty and inadequate educational systems, anyone who thinks that is downright unamerican :rolleyes: