Hell-O Boys


New Metal Member
Apr 11, 2006
So, I have been reading in this forum for a long time now, and man I have "learnt" a lot. Thanx all of you!

And now I have nearly done my first mixing job!(I also did the tracking)

And I would love some of yours thought’s and advice from you all.

So her we go:

Drummic: Shure PGDMK4 and some sm57.

Gtr: Peavey Triple XXX Head and a Mesa Boogie+Marshall old ass cabinet mic:sm57

Bass: DI box(a cheapfucker) and some behringer top+cabinet

Vox: a røde nt1

My preamps are Mackie Analog 24-8Bus

And my DAW protool mix++ running on a Mac g4.

No outboard gear. So it is a "mix in the box"

Band: Numbnuts

Track name:??? (1track) LINK:MP3 WAV

So please, go ahead. What do you think???


P.S. i´m from denmark,so my writing in English is not that good. soory.
Nice mix! Really impressive overall, especially for a first mix.

I think it needs some mastering as it's a little quiet. In the parts where the guitars are by themselves, they sound undergained (maybe on purpose?), but overall they sound great. The toms could be a bit louder and punchier.

I really like the band! Definitely reminds me a bit of Raunchy/Mnemic but it's got its own semi-hardcore sound to it as well.
Welcome aboard to the board!

Very cool song. It is a little quiet. Also it sounds kinda muddy to me; a common trend I see on this forum. I'm guessing that is due to cheaper AD converters? I don't know. Other than that it sounds great!
bazzi said:
it is only a mix, no mastering have been done.
is it to quiet for a mix??

Sounds fine in that case. I usually keep an L2 turned on most of the time while I'm mixing, just to get master buss limiting going so that I don't have any surprises later.
Man, that sounds insane for a 'first mix!'

Makes me want an NT-1!

I agree that that one part sounds undergained, but it sounds like you did it on purpose.

Sounds great to me, over here! What sound interface did you use?
Kazrog said:
Sounds fine in that case. I usually keep an L2 turned on most of the time while I'm mixing, just to get master buss limiting going so that I don't have any surprises later.

I've do this too, what kind of threshold do you use on the L2 ususally? I've always wondered this because sometimes on some of my mixes it seems like I should have gone a little lower since the snare is a little lower than I'd like it after mastering and really bringing up the levels.
DSS3 said:
Man, that sounds insane for a 'first mix!'

Makes me want an NT-1!

I agree that that one part sounds undergained, but it sounds like you did it on purpose.

Sounds great to me, over here! What sound interface did you use?

1 digidesign 888 and 2 digidesign 882

and thanx a 10000000 for the replyes
HexTheNet said:
I've do this too, what kind of threshold do you use on the L2 ususally? I've always wondered this because sometimes on some of my mixes it seems like I should have gone a little lower since the snare is a little lower than I'd like it after mastering and really bringing up the levels.

Barely any threshold. As little as I can get away with and still peg the meters.
bazzi said:
And now I have nearly done my first mixing job!(I also did the tracking)

And I would love some of yours thought’s and advice from you all....
...Band: Numbnuts

Track name:??? (1track) LINK:MP3 WAV

So please, go ahead. What do you think???


Hey, I took the liberty to master your track so that you'd know for a fact how would it sound after mastering.

here the link to the mastered MP3. http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?action=download&ufid=B9B7736E7B159C31

There's no second intention here, I was just a little tired of working on my stuff and felt like doing it.