HELL - Why no threads on these guys?

Yet another band I have mentioned here on numerous occasions which most of you wouldn't consider until a label like Nuc Blast picked them up!! :lol:

I have mentioned them in probably every NWOBHM thread here since I got a CDR of their 7" about 3 years back.
This album just came out in Europe. I have to say that it's seriously one of the best releases of the year in my opinion. It's the 1980's metal classic akin to Angel Witch - Angel Witch, Mercyful Fate - Don't Break The Oath, Iron Maiden - Powerslave etc that came out in 2011 due to unfortunate circumstances. Still, this CD rules. All of these retro bands trying to knock the 80's bands and take their sound should seriously take note of these guys. This is how you do it!!!
Yet another band I have mentioned here on numerous occasions which most of you wouldn't consider until a label like Nuc Blast picked them up!! :lol:

I have mentioned them in probably every NWOBHM thread here since I got a CDR of their 7" about 3 years back.

You're such a pain! :lol: Really want the credit huh?!?!?! hahahahahaha
The song is good, but I think the whole crown of thorns and inverted cross thing is a little much. I guess he's trying to look scary, but it makes him look ridiculous.


If you think that's bad, wait till you hear some of the lyrics on the other songs. It may be an image, but man do they push it without actually slinging some goats.
Yet another band I have mentioned here on numerous occasions which most of you wouldn't consider until a label like Nuc Blast picked them up!! :lol:

I have mentioned them in probably every NWOBHM thread here since I got a CDR of their 7" about 3 years back.[/]

That's 3 years of being extra awesome though.
The vocalist looks like the guy in the "Red Meat" comic strip series...


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The song is good, but I think the whole crown of thorns and inverted cross thing is a little much. I guess he's trying to look scary, but it makes him look ridiculous.


Welcome to metal. If you can find one metal band that doesn't in some shape or form look ridiculous, you're a fanboy of said band.
Yeah open, chest-exposing shirts and lots of leather pants + top hats is totally classy. I'd wear that to work.
And yeah of course, there can't be a rule without exceptions. Duh!!! But most metal bands wear their pomp on their sleeves, literally. C'mon dude, what isn't ridiculous about guitar squeals, shred, big riffs, high falsetto vocals or brutal screaming vocals and blastbeats? Metal is all about being ridiculous, taking things to extreme levels, that's what makes it so awesome.
This band and the songs were relevant...what...over 20 yrs ago...oh wait...no they weren't. Sanctuary anyone?
This band and the songs were relevant...what...over 20 yrs ago...oh wait...no they weren't. Sanctuary anyone?

They're "relevant" because one of the most important and well known producers in metal, whose collective body of production work has sold more records than any band you listen to, is their guitar player. Helps to have an idea of what you're talking about. lol like you know anything about what's relevant.

That being said, none of that has anything to do with why I or anyone else should like them. I don't see why this has anything to do with our opinions on the band. Are we only supposed to listen to "relevant" bands?

edit: taking the high road and not bashing other bands for their lack of mainstream success.
This band and the songs were relevant...what...over 20 yrs ago...oh wait...no they weren't. Sanctuary anyone?

Just because they didn't have records out and touring with Iron Maiden doesn't mean they are not relevant to the big metal picture. Their old ep's got the attention of Sneap and other major bands. I have spun a lot of new discs this year and Hell has over shadowed some Big name bands with this release.