Hell yeah for me!


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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This has been a good year, already, for concerts for me. Now I just heard that Saxon is coming to a nightclub about 15 miles from my house in May. Fuck yeah! Santa Clara CA for any Bay Area folks here.

I'm a huge Saxon fan and (I'm 33) have NEVER seen them. This is huge to me.
If you live in the SF Bay Area, I'll see you there!

Tickets go on sale Monday morning.
So saxon IS touring the states ??you dont know of any sites announcing tour dates do you?? The Saxon 747 site has only europe dates and no confirmation on a USA tour
No, sorry, don't know where the dates are. Only that I heard it on the radio here. The station who is promoting it announced the date and location. I'd say just keep an eye on Saxon747.com. I'm sure they'll put the dates up there soon.
Certailnly hope they come close to the New england area. I will be crossing my fingers ..the new CD is so good, probally the best yet, i cant wait to hear those songs live
Fred B said:
Certailnly hope they come close to the New england area. I will be crossing my fingers ..the new CD is so good, probally the best yet, i cant wait to hear those songs live

In all honesty I have never listening to them before. But last year I bought "Lionheart" and I think it smokes! Hopefully they come around the Chicago metro-area for some sort of show.
Walter checkout Heavy Metal Thunder ....its a lot of the old classic hits but rerecorded with a real heavy sound. I love Saxon but some of the earlier material production wise has become dated. These classic songs rock and would be a great intro to their earlier work. Im hoping people like yourself will rediscover them with Lionheart and really start something for them in the staes i mean they have been under appreciated for too long and a CD like Lionheart could go along way for them in the states