Hello all...newbie here!

Hey, I am a newbie too...well sort of...this was my 4th progpower and this would be the first one that I actually brought someone who could even remotly enjoy it...2 times with now X wife...once with friend of mine who came last year just to see MR Oliva...but was bored throughout eveything else...and then this time...finally met a woman who respects this stuff and has never seen anything like this and was blown freaking away by it...I remember what would possibly be the look on my face when I came to my first one and saw Evergrey, Angel Dust, and Dan Swano the first time...jaw was on the floor for two days....She looked the exact same....and we had a great time...She really enjoyed the corsett night..wore one of her own...again....jaw dropped......I read the forums all the time...go to the shows all the time...yall seem like great people...tooo bad im shy as hell and dont walk up and talk to anyone besides the dude in the wheel chair (forgot name drawing blank but he rocks like no other) and the metal ages guy (who i will forever remember sending me Masterplan enlighten me over icq way way way before it came out...) ....yall are both cool as hell.. Like I said, really shy....but we definately want to get involved more with you all....meet fellow lovers of the tunage....hopefully we can get to know some of yall over the next year and meet up at Progpower 7...anyway..an advance nice to meet you and talk to yall soon.....
genocya7 said:
Hey, I am a newbie too...

ALRIGHT - JUST WHICH ONE OF YOU FROM GENOCYA ARE YOU?? Better not be Tim or you're in for a sound lashing!! If you're NOT Tim, then "Hi!" My name is Tammy. I run Rock the Madhouse Michigan. Probably noone in your band knows of my company except Tim but we love you guys! I was at the Metal (minus) the Beast show at the Riverview. You guys were awesome!! Now which one of you is an avid ProgPower fan? I must know! :D

If you're not even in Genocya, then "Hi!" Good to meet you. You must live in Michigan. There seems to be a shortage of prog and power metal fans in the state, muchless PP veterans. Hopefully we'll get to meet sometime and rock out.. Chicago Powerfest maybe?

:D :headbang: Welcome to the forum... stick around.
Hey, no im not in a band....sorry....genocya has been my nick for a long time...I used to rock with my buddies in college to an overkill song called genocya......and for some reason it took....everyone knew that when i needed to get involved with the party or whatever..they would pop in that genocya song and i would go berserk..
I am from north carolina....my dad is from michigan and most of his family is still up there......I can tell u this tho...there cant be more of a shortage of prog fans up there as there is down here...We did get the rhapsody and manowar show..but i missed it..found out the day after... seems to go like that sometimes....The only thing we have gotten here worth while was queensryche..they did a one off show in winston salem during that mindcrime thing they did this past winter....They played in a very small venue and it rocked...I know they struggle now...but jeez..whever u get a chance to see mindcrime in its entirity..u go....in my opinion.
I need to check out this genocya band...with a name like that..they have to be good...yes hopefully we (me and jennifer) will meet some people next year...Like I said before...she was BLOWN away on the whole event.....thanks for replying...take care...genocya.
MetalFury said:
Hey all. My first post here and also, this was my first ProgPower this year! :headbang: GREAT show and my fiancee and I had a GREAT time! Met lots of cool people and had alot of fun. If you get a chance, check out my Metal related site at www.metalfury.com Thanks!

Hey there...we spoke after wednesday's show in NYC (Strat and IE), I'm sure you guys remember me and Paula (the Brazilian guys)... Nice to see you here, welcome aboard!
Thanks all!
AngraRULES it was VERY cool meeting you at the Stratovarius show, and YES we did make our train! :lol:
And Leopard we had a GREAT time hanging with you at ProgPower, ready for Krokus tonight?
genocya7 said:
I need to check out this genocya band...with a name like that..they have to be good...yes hopefully we (me and jennifer) will meet some people next year...Like I said before...she was BLOWN away on the whole event.....thanks for replying...take care...genocya.

:oops: Sorry for the confusion! haha! I've never seen or heard the word Genocya before this band. Here is a link to their profile on myspace.com:

The best show we've gotten here lately was Into Eternity, which I had to miss because that was the night that I left for PP. We've had Queensryche a few times, Megadeth,Iced Earth, Children of Bodom, and Cradle of Filth.. Oh yeah, and Strapping Young Lad played recently too. I'd love to see that Queensryche show - they're one of my favorite bands. Right now, my ex is in Minnesota so that he can see that show. jerk.. I need to see if it's coming any closer to my neck of the woods.

Anyway, great to have you here on the forums! I'm glad you two had such a great time at ProgPower! Hopefully we'll get to meet next year! Do you know about Chicago Powerfest? It happens in the spring. Maybe we'll see you there! www.chicagopowerfest.com (not current, but there's the site nonetheless)

Welcome to this madhouse of metal madness, where the best and friendliest metal heads on earth dwell. Good to have you. I didnt get to go this year because of some work issues(SUCKS), but will be there next year come hell or high water.

sh0kr0k said:
:oops: Sorry for the confusion! haha! I've never seen or heard the word Genocya before this band. Here is a link to their profile on myspace.com:

Hey, I checked out the chicago site and wow..didnt even know that was around. I will definately have to see who is coming this year and make an attempt to go. Keep in touch and so Jen and I can meet you and your friends...there is alot of music to share out there....some heard...most unheard....thanks again...genocya7 :wave: