Hello all


New Metal Member
Dec 5, 2003
France, Paris
Visit site
Hye everyone

Seems it's a tradition to introduce ourselves... Here i go :tickled:

My name is Steven (or Sven if you prefer... So do i :) ). I'm 18 and i live in France near Paris (yeah nobody's perfect :ill: )

To tell quickly what kind of bands i like, here's some examples : Kalmah, CoB, Dark Tranquility, Norther, In Flames, Lacuna Coil, Entwine, Amaran :wave: , Madrigal, Hammerfall and many others...

What else can I say...
Thanks for this board :p
Damn, I thought this board didn't exist anymore!

And this is how you got you posts, Thanny menudo :Smug:

Anyhoo, bienvenue Steven, and as Aragorth already said, great bands you like :cool:
~Zeanra~ said:
Damn, I thought this board didn't exist anymore!

And this is how you got you posts, Thanny menudo :Smug:
Yeah, this is the place where all the regulars come to pretend like they give a shit that new people are here, when they are really only trying to up their post count by posting the same 'welcome to UM' message in every thread.. :lol: :loco: