Hello Enchant. Are you coming to the UK to play some shows?


Universist & Explorer
Apr 6, 2006
Great Britain
I think that this country needs more enchantment and I would be thrilled if Enchant came to these shores.
I love your music, especially the Song Interact. I cannot think of A more fitting song to accompany the strong urge to Interact and have great conversation of the other souls that surround you.
Hopefully see you guys on tour in the blink of an eye.
Keep up the Enchatment Lads x

A spot in that festival would go a long way in getting us over there. Headway was very helpful last year, the festivals pay more $$$ which makes it a greater possibilty.

Like the U.S Atlanta PP the best thing to do is start a buzz on the PP U.K forum, enough hits and it would bring a lot of attention to us.

We got an incredible amount of PR and exposure from our good friends here in this forum doing just that already for the US PP.

Anyone been to this PP UK or know how it was?

Madrigal said:
Yes, pleeeeeease come to the UK (or Europe in general) sometime soon. It's been too long.

Maybe try to get a slot at ProgPower UK next year?
ebass said:
....the best thing to do is start a buzz on the PP U.K forum, enough hits and it would bring a lot of attention to us.

We got an incredible amount of PR and exposure from our good friends here in this forum doing just that already for the US PP.

Anyone been to this PP UK or know how it was?

Yeah, been there and had a most fabulous time. Needless to say that I enjoyed THRESHOLD the very very most *by far* (they were the reason I went in the first place), they are just such an amazing, powerful and superb live band, and also turned out to have been "secret headliner" at the festival, to tell by the crowd reactions.
None of the other bands I *really* cared about, but some were still quite ok.

On the overall, the atmosphere was just great and extremely pleasant; many cool people, the venue rather large and.... spotlessly clean. Sadly only meaty junk food on offer, which left me on the hungry side all day, but I survived and had a hell of a good time nonetheless. ;)

Great idea to leave a comment on the PPUK forum, as it says there, the organisers DO listen!

I just left my wish a minute ago, and saw that quite a few others before me have mentioned Enchant, too.

So have a go, people, the following link gets you straight there:
