Hello From America


Horrid Visions
May 8, 2002
Hello everyone. I'm Jonathan. I'm from the United States. Katatonia is very unknown here. I discovered them off satellite tv a few years back and I have to say that they definately rock. Its something about their music that touches me emotionally. It's like what they say is how I feel sometimes. But I wanted to let everyone know that Katatonia is alive here in the USA.

Well we have here at my house a satellite TV. and I get whats called Music Choice package. And they have a station labled the "Metal Channel".....Katatonia's Disposession just happend to be on there one day when I was listening. That day I went and ordered the CD. I never saw them on there again, but when I heard that song it definately brought me to Katatonia. There is no band like them in the world. They are just awesome.

Originally posted by Glohithia
Katatonia fan since BMD, the best of them all. Currently residing in Wisconsin too, just so people now know that there are at least 3 Katatonia fans in Wisconsin :)
You should all meet up for sandwiches and lemon water one day....