Hello my new second home!



I think this place will be a new second home after the opeth forum, because I'm fascinated by japan, and I love j-pop and j-rock, but as for the japanese METAL scene, I have NO IDEA... so this place will be interesting to check up on every now and then.

A question: Is this forum for the japanese metal scene ONLY? or is it a forum for all topics relating to japan? Because I think the majority of ppl in the opeth forum are sick of my rants about japan.
Hi Kushantaiidan, it's really nice to know you are interested in Japanese culture :)
please feel free to ask me about anything, i'll try my best to find the answers..
how's it in Australia? this is one of the places i want to visit.


Originally posted by junnie from the east
Hi Kushantaiidan, it's really nice to know you are interested in Japanese culture :)
please feel free to ask me about anything, i'll try my best to find the answers..
how's it in Australia? this is one of the places i want to visit.



Thank you. I'm just a real big anime fan, and I love j-pop and j-rock.. cos it's so cute.. I have a broard taste in music, and I love a lot of anime sountracks.. But I still know nothing about the metal scene there, so if you could recommend any good jaspanese black metal bands or something that would be cool!


PS: Australia sux.. I hate it.. It's a poor ass country.
hmm black metal.. i don't know if they are in that category but you know the band called On myou za? their profile is on the label page.. http://www.kingrecords.co.jp/jpop/onmyouza/profile.html
i tried to translate it by Alta vista translate page, and it showed the weird english, but they are gathering much attention here lately.
their sound sample

another band is Sigh, they released their latest album last .. hmmm it was June i think. http://listen.to/sigh/

Ningen Isu http://www.n-i-b.co.jp/

Brutal Death metal, Defiled.. their website is still under construction but here's the URL http://listen.to/defiled/
i think i can add some later :)
hope it can help you a little!

Hah, it took me long enough to notice this forum!

Back when I had more disposeable income I used to buy and watch loads of Anime, and was starting to get into importing video games. I'm not too fond of J-pop or J-punk... but give me the lucious video game soundtracks any day of the week, though! What can I say, I was sick of being deprived of my Megami Tensei games. Also studied the language freestyle for about five years. I learned a surprising ammount, but not enough to hold a conversation, by any means... just enough to fake my way through a few video games. But ever since about two years ago year, I've gotten really slack and forgot most of what I knew. Blah.

It would be nice to visit Japan and learn more about the place... but I think I look a little too much like my Avatar to get a nice greeting from many of the locals. ;)
Hi Kushantaiidan, i tried to find the info of ISIS, but no clue so far. i found the old link
but doesn't work anymore...
maybe splited up?

Hi Drexle, please let me know when you come to Japan :)
a friend of mine produced the Anime Fair last month, she said guests were from all over the world.. Japanese anime seems to be very famous overseas :)
do you have any favorite anime?

oh yeah it's friday night here, weekend! woohooo
hope you'll have a wonderful weekend too

Originally posted by junnie from the east

Hi Drexle, please let me know when you come to Japan :)
a friend of mine produced the Anime Fair last month, she said guests were from all over the world.. Japanese anime seems to be very famous overseas :)
do you have any favorite anime?

oh yeah it's friday night here, weekend! woohooo
hope you'll have a wonderful weekend too

Looking back at the post I made last night...

God, I need to learn to check over my messages before I click "submit reply." :lol:

Anime is gaining popularity steadily here in the US... I first got into searching for the stuff about six years ago, and in that time I've watched it grow from a small cult following into something that is played regularly on cable TV.

My all time favorite Anime would have to be Urusei Yatsura, mainly for the insane characters and plots. I was also really fond of Slayers in its first seasons... haven't seen any past that. For more serious stuff, I also enjoyed Evangelion and Ghost in the Shell.

I'm also fond of Kenshin, but I haven't seen a whole lot of it.

As for letting you know when I get over to Japan, I'll be sure to.

:D You like anime too, or is it just your friend who sets up the Fair?