Hello Pod Farm!...


Remember Me
Apr 2, 2010
Chihuahua, Mexico
have you tried TSEX30 or Legion? No offense, but the mix in these clips is way to bassy and the kick is completely buried. Guitars are nasally too
I've been getting good results with POD + Recabinet. Essentially you turn off your amp sim on your POD and use Recabinet impulses as your amp sim instead. They sound great! check it out at www.recabi.net if you haven't yet. Shane (a regular on this forum, aka 'Kazrog') is the founder and creator.
dude...the guitar tone man!! not the bass or the kick...

..im demoing pod farm, not Ampeg plugins or superior drummer

"nasally" thanx, totally fixable...

yeah but the guitar tone has to compliment everything else. If you would have posted just solo'd guitar tracks that would have made more sense IMO
GTR are also pretty good! but yeah pod farm is way better... even though not very useful with heavier metalish stuff haha :headbang:
dude...the guitar tone man!! not the bass or the kick...

..im demoing pod farm, not Ampeg plugins or superior drummer

"nasally" thanx, totally fixable...

Yeah, but getting the best guitar tone is also done to the drums and bass guitar and how they fit in the mix.
Half the guitar tone is in the bass guitar dude, seriously
wasnt Oceano's album Depths done with Pod Farm?

yeah and sturgis did an amazing job with that one! im not against ampsims, actually im a big fan of them :)

...but im not seeing an arch enemy, in flames, children of bodom, sabbat, etc album made with pod farm.
Wow, that's an intense subdrop! lol

I think the tone is a bit too POD-y, but yeah, I like POD Farm too.