Hello! This e-mail has been automatically dispatched upon achieving 9000 posts...


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
Hello * xfer !

This e-mail has been automatically dispatched upon achieving * 9000 posts on Ultimatemetal.com. We're glad you've enjoyed Ultimatemetal.com as long as you have and have chosen Ultimatemetal.com as your favorite website for metal news, reviews, and discussion!

As a longtime member, you certainly realise that the costs of maintaining Ultimatemetal.com can get high--and are growing every day! Our system shows that you haven't yet become a premium member of Ultimatemetal.com. With the number of members always rising, the September 11th terror attacks and their effect on the economy hit Ultimatemetal.com pretty hard. Won't you do your part to combat terrorism and keep Ultimatemetal.com running?

Just click on the "Donate Now" link to give. We hope you'll make your decision sometime in the next 30 days! Many Ultimatemetal.com users view the site from work, and it would be unfortunate if a user's superior were notified they'd made * 9,000 posts during paid working hours.

Thank you, and keep on "head banging"!

--Ultimatemetal.com staff
Dear Ultimatemetal Staff,

Don't offer a free service and then threaten to attempt to get people fired when they don't pay for the free service.

Common Sense
before I really DO pull a threat from the UM.com staff, I should point out that this "email" is probably a hoax. the extra-long signature makes me believe it is from someone affiliated with the Opeth board.
you know, i paid the novembers doom fee for last year and it was only like $60 for the whole yr. not bad for a good platform, esp. with the traffic this board gets.

but the mere verbiage of that email is contradictory:
"Won't you do your part to combat terrorism and keep Ultimatemetal.com running?"
and then
"it would be unfortunate if a user's superior were notified they'd made * 9,000 posts during paid working hours."
that seems a little like if a certain Iraqi leader said "Help fight terrorism by giving us your money or we'll bomb you!"

really, though, all they'd probably want is like $20 or $30, which isn't much considering how much time we spend here. I wouldn't mind donating if I didn't already pay the ND board's fee (although the band may have refunded that to me, don't recall).
Russell is indeed a funny guy- don't know about Mark, but I think so. Could be that British sense of humour.

either way, when you're dealing with a large group of average people, joking in that manner is pretty pointed and will likely be taken as truth. i mean if you guys are thinking it's real, then imagine what the average UMer would think.

"Holy crap! I'm gonna get fired unless I give them money!"