Hello To Hypocrisy Fans

Oct 26, 2002
I've been to plenty of areas on these boards, but I believe this is my first venture into the Hypocrisy boards.

I don't know too much about this band, other than the lead screamer is also on the Bloodbath CD NIGHTMARES MADE FLESH. His vocals on that CD are fantastic! He has quite a range...deep growls, which made him a worthy successor to Mikael Akerfeldt, but can also screech like a black metaller. And can hit really high notes, a la Devin Townsend.

I've seen a few Hypocrisy CD's, mainly THE ARRIVAL. Should I pick this one up?
If you are into more brutal stuff like Bloodbath I'd probably start with Final Chapter or Abducted, if you also like slower, more atmospheric stuff, I'd recommend the selftitled album. The Arrival is also good to start with cause it's quite easy-listening and melodic. So it mainly depends on your preferences.
Thanks alot, guys!

As far as my local record store goes, there's not much of a selection when it comes to Hypocrisy. Just THE ARRIVAL and another one (I think it's the CD before THE ARRIVAL).

I do enjoy melody in my metal, so THE ARRIVAL should do just nicely...
Hypocrisy has no bad album. Each of them has distinct differences, and rule our lives. You cant go wrong with any of them
Okay, so I purchased THE ARRIVAL, and I must say that it was different. I guess I was in a Bloodbath mindframe, but not only does the music sound COMPLETELY different from Bloodbath, but Peter's vocals ALSO sound different! More of a high pitched screech rather than is multi-faceted growling. So I didn't really catch on to the album until mabye the second or third listening when I was, oddly enough, very mad and frustrated. It sounded great when I was pissed! :lol:

But I'm sure there are other Hypocricy albums worth picking up...
DUde you should definately get THE FINAL CHAPTER

With the forthcoming VIRUS, it is their best album, with low growlings and everything,

then you should get the selft titled album, which is kinda like THE ARRIVAL but even better

then get the rest, as simple as this


get ready for VIRUS, it will blow you're mind
you liked Nightmares made Flesh from Bloodbath?

well obviously Peter liked it too, and its quite evident when you listen to VIRUS :D :headbang:
peter rules over all but hevy devy in the extreme vocal department. the both raise the bar high. Mettaaaaaaaaaaallllllllll!!!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
The thing about Hypocrisy albums, for me at least, is that they don't really grab me right away, but after about 3 listenings I am completely hooked and love just about every track on the album! This has been the case for at least the last 4 albums.

So if you find you're not really blown away immediately I say give them a couple more listens before making a final judgment.

Virus is AWESOME. :headbang:
Rob K said:
The thing about Hypocrisy albums, for me at least, is that they don't really grab me right away, but after about 3 listenings I am completely hooked and love just about every track on the album! This has been the case for at least the last 4 albums.

So if you find you're not really blown away immediately I say give them a couple more listens before making a final judgment.

Virus is AWESOME. :headbang:

i agree. when i first discovered the more extreme side of metal i found hypocrisy hard to get into( i got catch 22 first and its actually of my favs now). i wasn t used to the vocals yet and i found peter pretty hard to understand, which probably had to do with the way he recorded his vocals on a couple albums, but now i totally get it and find myself blown away. i finally found the fourth dimension album now that i mention it and totally recommend it. i love how the music and production sounds live and stripped down without sounding crappy like old black metal albums( no offense to those who like that sound, just my opinion). peter sounded great too and it lacked all the effects and layers in the vocals which occasionally became overbearing in later albums( it could also be great at times though too, newer hypocrisy still kicks)
agreed. i stick with it and i said it like a thousand times:
the fourth dimension is the best deathmetal album ever produced.
Rotten Flesh said:
agreed. i stick with it and i said it like a thousand times:
the fourth dimension is the best deathmetal album ever produced.

not sure if i can call it the best but it stands out in my collection and its pretty fucking big. the thing i like about it production wise is that it creates a sense of what the band really sounds like without any studio magic or extra noise that performing live. everything just sounds so real. kinda makes me wish that abduction sounded the same no offense to that disc. the arrival still owns but i haven t heard the new one yet.
Yeah, but i think "the arrival of the demons(partII)" or "when the candles fade" could also have been released on "the fourth dimension". the style is similar.

the thing i dislike is, that peter started to scream and shout through the years. why didn't he stick with his fantastic growls? (even on Nightmares made Flesh we can see how powerful his voice is.) If i want so listen to shouting guys i can buy a children of bodom cd.

whatever...peter will always be my musician no.1